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¡´ ¾ïªá¶H¼x¯Â¼ä¡C ¸ê®Æ¹Ï¤ù¡´ ¾ïªá¶H¼x¯Â¼ä¡C ¸ê®Æ¹Ï¤ù

春天不是讀書天¡H此說法不無道理哦¡A 因為......¡u書¡v除了用來¡u讀¡v¡A 亦可應用日常生活上¡C 來¡I活用有關春天的詞彙說法於你¡B我¡B他 / 她 / 它上¡C

春風和煦¡A暖暖春風吹拂你面......It's such a balmy spring breeze! 原來不止春風令人心曠神怡¡A事情來得容易亦可借春風一用¡JIt's a breeze! Isn't it such a breeze to learn English that you can use it in daily life? ¡]學習可應用於日常生活的英語不就是輕而易舉嗎¡H¡^

沒有比¡u吹水¡v更容易吧¡HWe've been sitting on the couch for hours, just shooting the breeze! 這說法直譯是¡u射擊春風¡v¡A像極了廣東話的¡u吹水¡v哦¡HShoot the breeze的起源就是形容人和風對話般¡]talking to the wind¡^¡A內容無關痛癢¡B不着邊際¡C

萬物回春¡A當然少不了繁花似錦¡CTrees and flowers are blossoming with new life in the springtime¡]春天來了¡A樹木和花朵也綻放着新生命¡^¡C桃李爭輝時¡A橙樹亦要分一杯羹¡C橘花¡]香橙花¡^象徵純潔¡A因此西方新娘多佩香橙花於髮上¡A配合純白婚紗¡A就如天使般潔白無瑕¡C因此go gathering orange blossoms不單純是去採摘香橙花¡A而是男士去討妻子¡JHe went to town to go gathering orange blossoms, so we'd better get ready for a wedding¡]他近來努力去相親¡A看來我們要準備做人情了¡^¡C

除了花團錦簇¡A我們人類亦可爭妍鬥麗一番¡A以blossom作動詞¡A形容高高興興¡A或是成功達標¡CParents wish that their children would blossom out in their new school¡]家長們都希望子女在新學校年茁壯成長¡^¡ATheir dream now blossomed into a successful business idea¡]他們的夢想現已發展至一盤成功的生意¡^¡C

除了blossom¡A亦可用bloom¡A即是動詞¡A又是名詞¡A用來形容春天百花盛開¡A姹紫嫣紅¡JCherry trees bloom in early spring¡]櫻樹於早春開花¡^ ¡C不單是花¡A我們誰不希望永遠保持花紅柳綠的春天¡HWho doesn't wish to be in the bloom of youth¡HThe bloom of youth 解正值豆蔻年華¡C相反地¡A紅瘦綠肥春暮¡A暮春時綠葉雖仍茂盛¡A但紅花已見凋謝¡A這就是the bloom is off the peach / rose¡]亦可簡說為the bloom is off¡^¡JAfter twenty years of marriage, both feel like the bloom is off the peach in this relationship¡]結婚二十年了¡A兩人都覺得這段感情激情不再¡^¡C

草長鶯飛¡A鳥語花香¡CBirds twitter and so do we! 鳥兒嘁嘁喳喳地叫¡A我們亦可唧唧喳喳地閒聊¡CTwitter可指我們提高聲線¡B吱吱喳喳地談及瑣碎事¡CIn a twitter / all of a twitter 更特別指以高音頻¡B¡u一輪嘴¡v似的緊張或興趣之狀¡JShe was in such a twitter telling us all her engagement¡]她滔滔不絕跟我們分享訂婚的細節¡^¡C相信以藍色小鳥為標誌的著名社交網絡平台亦取鳥鳴短促之意¡A命名為Twitter¡A其每則不超過280個字符的微信息就是tweet¡]可解啁啾¡^¡C

在此祝願¡JEverything is going to all moonlight and roses for you¡C祝大家春風得意¡A事事順心¡C

¡´鍾可盈博士 香港恒生大學英文系高級講師


