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2010年10月22日 星期五
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社評雙語道:補貼在職貧窮 擴大交通津貼

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-10-22]     我要評論

 ■行政長官曾蔭權在施政報告提出,以涵蓋全港的「鼓勵就業交通津貼計劃」取代現時局限4區的交通費支援計劃。 資料圖片





Subsidize the working poor by expanding transport allowance

 According to the data of the Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department, the poverty rate in the first half of this year was 18.1%, with a record-breaking 1.26 million people living below the poverty line. In just six months' time, the poor population has increased by 64,000. Poverty is now a major chronic 'disease' in Hong Kong; however, the government has so far not yet formulated a comprehensive poverty alleviation policy to tackle the problem. The forthcoming policy address should include a thorough plan for alleviating poverty and focus on helping the working poor. On one hand, the coverage of transport allowance can be expanded to the entire territory, and on the other hand, low income earners should be given direct income support.

 The government had inclined in the past to provide one-off relief so that the pressure on recurrent expenditure would not be built up. Since 2007, the money spent on "giving sweeteners" has reached HK$100 billion and the money was given to all walks of life without differentiation. The working poor who were the most deprived, however, were not given enough help. The authorities must put in place some longer term measures to support the poor sector of the population.

 Hong Kong can learn from the experience of other countries and regions; and help the poor by giving income support to low income earners. The government can directly give to people who earn an income below a certain level, a fixed amount of cash support. Such a measure is simple and straightforward and is able to give immediate help to the working poor. In fact, this measure encourages people to rid themselves of poverty through employment, thus also enhancing the quality of human resources. The social benefits gained will be far greater than the expenses incurred.

 Besides, not many people can benefit from the transport allowance currently available as it is restricted to low income earners living in Yuen Long, Tuen Mun, Islands and the North districts. As the cost of transport in Hong Kong is very high, the transport allowance can render substantial help to the working poor by reducing their travel expenses. It should be implemented as a long term poverty alleviation measure. Even though such a measure might lead to an increase in the recurrent expenditure of the government, it can lower the number of working poor who may fall into the comprehensive social security assistance scheme. It is in fact a way to reduce the overall expenditure incurred by the social assistance scheme. ■translation by開明 chi.ming818@gmail.com

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