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2011年1月7日 星期五
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社評雙語道:盡力提供協助 慎重動用包機

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2011-01-07]     我要評論

 ■歐洲上月受大風雪影響,英國倫敦希思羅機場航班大受影響,不少旅客 (包括香港居民學生等)被迫滯留。 資料圖片




Provide utmost assistance but be prudent in sending a charter flight

 The snowstorm that attacked Europe last month almost paralyzed the Heathrow airport and a large number of Hong Kong people studying or travelling in the UK were stranded in London. Under Secretary for Security TK Lai said that if the situation did not improve and the students could not return home when the airport resumed normal operation, the Hong Kong government would arrange a charter flight to solve the problem. The Hong Kong people who were trapped in London were without food and shelter and there was nowhere they could seek help. The Hong Kong government should provide the necessary assistance as soon as possible to give them proper care. However, as this was not a situation of disaster that would put people's lives at risk, for the sake of proper use of public funds, the government should not arrange a charter flight to bring the people home. This may prevent flight chartering from being abused in the future. The Hong Kong government should lay down criteria for sending charter flights to bring back citizens stranded overseas in order to ensure that charter flights will be used sensibly and reasonably as and when needed.

 There had been public voices requesting the government to send a charter flight to London to bring the stranded students home. But as seen in other parts of the world, there are certain criteria for arranging a charter flight and such a measure cannot be used arbitrarily. The most basic requirement for a government to send a charter flight is when citizens are caught overseas in a war, riot or other situations in which personal safety may be endangered. For example, in 2008 there was the anti-government (red-shirt protesters) riot in Thailand and earlier in 2010 there was the hostage taking case in the Philippines. In these incidents, the HKSAR government did send emergency charter flights to bring Hong Kong people back home.

 Sending a charter flight involves spending public fund. The HKSAR government should lay down criteria that clearly specify the circumstances in which a charter flight will be arranged. If people ask the government to send charter flights at all times without weighing the urgency and seriousness of the situation, public funds will be squandered and taxpayers will not give consent. Even if the government arranges a charter flight, under the principle of user paying the cost, passengers should be charged the necessary fees. In this recent incident, Hong Kong people were stranded in London because of the increment weather and their lives were not endangered. Not a single country or region had planned to bring their nationals home by charter flights. Therefore, it was necessary for the government to think carefully on whether or not there was a need to arrange a charter flight.  ■Translation by 開明 chi.ming818@gmail.com

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