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2011年3月9日 星期三
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互動英語教室:My cup of tea (1)

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2011-03-09]     我要評論

 ■西湖龍井屬於綠茶,含豐富抗氧化劑,適量飲用有助提高免疫力。 資料圖片

Lily went to Tokyo for a holiday last year with the aim of learning more about the Japanese culture. On one of the days, she visited a tea shop selling a wide selection of quality tea leaves. A hospitable(好客的) Japanese lady offered her a cup of Japanese tea and told her that she spent a lot of time and effort to find the best way to brew her tea. While they were enjoying the tea, this lady told Lily the history of the Japanese tea culture.

 In fact, many aspects of Chinese culture were introduced to Japan during the Heian Period(平安時代)(A.D. 794-1185) when people were open to ideas and cultures from other countries. Japanese priests(神職人員) and envoys(外交使節) were sent to China and brought tea back to Japan. Lily had a good time in Japan and developed her interest in tea culture.

Lily decided to continue to explore her interest with special attention to the medicinal(有藥效的) functions of different kinds of tea leaves. Right after she had returned to Hong Kong, she got a job in a tea shop in Central as a shop assistant. One day, an elegant Japanese lady walked into the shop, Lily greeted her with a smile.

Lily: Welcome!

Miho(the Japanese client): Hello! Are you Lily?

Lily: Yes! You are....

Miho: I am Miho! Last year you visited a tea shop in Tokyo. I am the owner and introduced Japanese tea to you. Do you remember?

Lily: Oh! Yes! Great to see you again! I am working in this tea shop now.

Miho: It's your turn to tell me what kind of tea you have here.

Lily: Sure. Come on in!

The shop consists of two floors with a basement where clients can enjoy their tea. Miho was impressed by the simple but stylish design.

Lily: Let me play a game with you. Close your eyes. We serve a large variety of tea here. Can you tell me what kind of tea this is?

Miho: It smells like Japanese sencha(煎茶).

Lily: Yes! Just like Dragon Well(龍井)and Jasmine(茉莉花). Sencha is green tea. Green tea is non-fermented(沒發酵的)and contains a high proportion of antioxidants(抗氧化劑).

Miho: This is White Peony(白茶牡丹). White Tea can lower blood pressure and improve the function of the arteries(動脈).

Lily: Exactly. Close your eyes again please. Can you tell me what it is?

Miho: Hm...this is...Oolong tea(烏龍茶)! Iron Bodhisattva(鐵觀音) and Narcissus(水仙) belong to this type.

Lily: Bingo! Close your eyes now.

Miho: Oh! It's my favourite lavender(薰衣草)! Lavender tea helps to soothe(減輕) stress.

Lily: Yeah! We also have rose and rooibos(意寶).

Miho: You serve Assam(阿薩姆) which is red tea. I am sure it's for making Hong Kong style milk tea.

Lily: Yes. My parents prefer black tea such as Pu Er(普洱).

Miho: Now. You have become a tea expert.

Lily: I can show you how to brew the perfect cup of tea.

Miho: Really? Thanks!


1) Can you name some green tea?

2) What is the function of White Peony?

3) Which tea can soothe stress?


1) Dragon Well, Jasmine and Sencha.

2) White Tea can lower blood pressure and improve the function of the arteries.

3) Lavender tea.

Please visit http://wwpenglishcolumn.blogspot.com to watch the video and learn some common phrases in English. ■By Lily Poon

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