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2011年2月25日 星期五
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社評雙語道:鼓勵就業 交津限制宜從寬

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2011-02-25]     我要評論

 ■兔年本港加風四起,交通津貼愈早落實對基層市民愈有利。 資料圖片




Transport subsidy rules should be relaxed to provide incentives for employment

Secretary for Labour and Welfare Mr Cheung Kin-chung has this month announced the enhancement of the previously proposed Work Incentive Transport Subsidy Scheme, raising the household income limit for 2-member families from HK$8,500 to HK$10,000 (editor's note: currently HK12,000) and that for 3-member families from HK$12,000 to HK$13,000. The enhanced scheme increases the number of people meeting the income limit requirements from 330,000 to 378,000 (editor's note: currently 436,000); nonetheless, calculation still remains to be on a household basis. Transport subsidy, as a way to help alleviate poverty and encourage employment, is in line with the overall interest of the society. Therefore, limits should be relaxed rather than tightened. The authorities should allow applicants the option to apply for the subsidy on an individual or a household basis so that more people can be eligible and the scheme can work more effectively as an incentive for people to work.

The enhanced proposal has raised the income thresholds and significantly increased the number of people eligible for the scheme; however, when household remains to be the basis for calculation, the number of people who can benefit from the scheme can actually be reduced. Take a 3-member family as an example. For them, the income limit for applying for the transport subsidy is HK$13,000. If both parents go out to work and earn the minimum wage, the family will not be eligible to apply for the subsidy. The minimum wage is a baseline set to guarantee the minimum income level of employees. It seems not really sensible if the threshold income level for transport subsidy cannot be higher than that of the minimum wage.

What's more, as we moved into the year of the Rabbit, prices of everyday necessities such as clothing, dining, accommodation and travel have been rising continually. The grassroots will have to suffer from soaring inflation; it will serve their interests better if the transport subsidy can be implemented sooner. A more practical approach is to have the Legislative Council first pass the request for appropriation to make sure that the scheme can be implemented as scheduled. Then, on the other hand, the authorities should timely follow up to check the effectiveness of the scheme and accurately assess the number of families who lose their eligibility under the new rules. If the new scheme is found to be ineffective, the authorities should not wait until 3 years (editor's note: currently 1 year) later to have a thorough review of the scheme. Instead, they should decisively expand the eligibility and adopt the "dual track" approach which allows applications to be made on either a household or an individual basis.  ■Translation by 開明 chi.ming818@gmail.com

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