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2011年4月20日 星期三
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互動英語教室:We love music (2)

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2011-04-20]     我要評論

■室樂屬於古典音樂,指數人在空間較小的室內合奏,每人各演奏一種樂器。 資料圖片

 After reaching home from work, Lily relaxes herself by playing some light music. Her friends cannot understand why she spends so much time and energy in pursuing(追求) music. She believes that hobbies help the person to develop self-esteem(自信心). Before learning the piano, she never had the courage to perform or speak in front of the others. Now, she feels comfortable in playing music with a group of amateur(業餘) musicians. She thinks that keeping some time aside for leisure activities can help her to curb(制止) stress after a bad day at work and keep a fresh mind.

 Lily's cousin Thomas is also a music lover. He is learning to be a good rapper. However, Lily prefers classical music. Geoff, who works for the music centre where Lily takes her piano class, can play a few musical instruments, such as the violin, drum and guitar. Lily suggests that three of them can play some chamber music(室樂) together.

 Geoff: I play guitar and violin. The instrument families are made up of four main families: woodwinds(木管樂器), brass(銅管樂器), strings(弦樂器), and percussion(敲擊樂器).

Thomas: They are classified(分類) by the way they make sounds. Guitar and violin belong to the string family.

Geoff: You are a smart boy!

Lily: Let's play some music now.

Geoff: Sure! Chamber music is a form of classical music, written for a small group of instruments.

 Lily and Geoff play a Bach's minuet(小步舞曲). This kind of light music can lead us to a relaxed state of mind.

Geoff: Same as drums, the piano is a percussion instrument.

Thomas: Oh! It's fun! Lily, do you know human beatbox(表演口技)?

Lily: No. What is it?

Thomas: Let me show you. Music is all about sharing and creativity!

 If you feel completely drained out after school or work, it's time to do things you love!

Families of musical instruments

 In the video, Geoff and Thomas mentioned that musical instruments are grouped into families based on how they make sounds.


 Percussion instruments make sounds when they are hit, such as drums. Anthropologists often think that percussion instruments were the first musical devices ever created by mankind.


 Sounds of string instruments come from their strings, such as violin, cello, harp and guitar.


 Brass instruments are made of brass or other metal and make sound when air is blown inside. Tuba, French horn and trombone are brass instruments.


 Woodwind instruments produce sound when air(wind) is blown inside. Flute, piccolo(短笛), clarinet(單簧管) and oboe(雙簧管) are woodwind instruments.


1) Which are the four families of musical instruments?

2)  How are instruments being classified?

3)  Can you name some woodwind instruments?

4)  What are the benefits of having a hobby?


1)  Woodwinds, percussions, brass and strings.

2)  They are classified by the way they make sounds.

3)  Flute, piccolo, clarinet and oboe are woodwind instruments.

4)  Leisure activities can help us to curb stress after a bad day at work and keep a fresh mind.

Please visit http://wwpenglishcolumn. blogspot.com to watch the video and learn some common phrases in English. ■By Lily POON

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