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2011年9月23日 星期五
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社評雙語道:加強單車規管 堵塞安全漏洞

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2011-09-23]     我要評論


Tighten regulation on cycling to plug the loophole in road safety



 A female cyclist was killed while riding a bicycle to work earlier this month. She was knocked down by a green minibus and trapped underneath the vehicle while she was crossing the road near her workplace on her bicycle. She was seriously injured and died consequently. This had been the second case in four days in the same district that a minibus took the life of a cyclist in an accident. The continual occurrence of fatal traffic accidents involving cyclists cannot be seen as pure coincidence. This series of accidents has revealed the big loophole in road safety regulations regarding bicycle use in Hong Kong. Although there exist legislations that cover the safety of riding bicycles, these legislations seem like null and void as there is no real enforcement. The authorities must learn from these tragic accidents and tighten the regulation on bicycle safety. The government should enforce the legislations with great severity to make sure that cyclists observe traffic rules just as other drivers. In addition, as the roads in Hong Kong are relatively narrow and the traffic is heavy, the authorities should consider prohibiting cyclists from entering busy road sections and confining bicycle riding to cycle lanes and designated road sections for the sake of safety.

 According to data released by the police, there were 946 injuries and 8 deaths associated with cycling in the first half of this year, not including the two recent cases of deaths mentioned above. However, the death toll involving motorcyclists in the same period was only 5. It is more dangerous riding a bicycle than a motorcycle in Hong Kong as motorcycles are subject to very stringent regulation while bicycles are not. At present, both the Road Traffic (Traffic Control) Regulations and the Road Users' Code have stipulated rules that bicycle users should obey. Even so, these rules and regulations will not have any deterrent effect if they are simply in place but not enforced. As bicycle riding has always been treated by the government as a pastime for the citizens, bicycle users tend to be negligent in terms of road safety. It is a not uncommon to see in Hong Kong cyclists weaving through heavy traffic on busy vehicle lanes, causing dangers to themselves as well as other road users.

 ■Translation by 東明 tungming23@gmail.com


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