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2011年10月28日 星期五
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社評雙語道:釋除辦學爭議 加強校政民主

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2011-10-28]     我要評論

■資料顯示,校本管理能使學校管理更嚴謹及正規化,改善學生的學習成果。圖為一天主教區小學上課情況。 資料圖片




Resolve the dispute over school management and increase democracy in school administration

In mid-October, the Court of Final Appeal ruled against the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong in an appeal against the judicial review on the Education (Amendment) Ordinance regarding school-based management policy. According to court judgment, the amended ordinance does not contravene the Basic Law and that the freedom of religion enjoyed by schools is not affected. The ruling puts an end to a controversy that had been dragging on for many years. Also, it clarifies that the implementation of the school-based policy, which aims at enhancing democratization and accountability of school management, is not in conflict with the mission of sponsoring bodies in education but rather protects the interests of the students. Sponsoring bodies and the community at large should now stop the argument, and focus on providing quality education that is student-based.

The amendment to the Education Ordinance requires schools to set up a management committee comprising parents as members to participate in school management. This in fact aims at enhancing school-based management and improving democratization, accountability and transparency of school administration. There is sufficient evidence, both local and overseas, saying that school-based management helps schools develop their internal ability to improve continuously, which in turn makes school management more rigorous and formal, and strengthens the academic achievements of the students. The policy puts the interests of the students in the first place and makes schools accountable to students. There is no reason that the educational tradition and vision of the Catholic Diocese should be in conflict with the policy.

The Catholic Diocese is the biggest sponsoring body in Hong Kong operating about 30% of school places in the territory and most of these schools are subsidized by the government. Therefore, the diocese should abide by the ruling of the court and promptly implement the policy under the Education (Amendment) Ordinance by setting up school management committees as soon as possible. By doing so, they can promote their good tradition of schooling and educating people, uphold the rule of law as being a core value of Hong Kong and at the same time demonstrate their sense of responsibility to the taxpayers. ■Translation by 東明 tungming23@gmail.com


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