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2012年2月3日 星期五
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社評雙語道:環保有代價 社會共承擔

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2012-02-03]     我要評論

■ 空氣污染問題長期困擾本港,當局應有更多的支持,推動環保產業發展。資料圖片



Price of environmental protection should be shared by all in society

The HKSAR government has proposed to update the existing air quality objectives (AQOs) which have been in use for 25 years. Secretary for the Environment Mr Edward Yau said that the use of cleaner energy and the introduction of a number of emission reduction measures will bring pressure on an increase in public transport fare and electricity tariff. He said that the increase may be as high as 20% but will be implemented in phases. In fact, all emission reduction measures require huge injections of fund as well as high operating costs. If Hong Kong is to improve its air quality, people from all walks of life will have to pay a price. Air pollution has been a headache for Hong Kong for a very long time. Not only is it detrimental to public health but also incurs enormous social costs. Since there has already been a public consensus on emission reduction, the high cost should not be taken as a reason to back away, but rather as a responsibility for all the people to bear. At the same time, the government should not adopt a "non-intervention" policy on the issue of environmental protection. It has to give more support to foster the development of environmental protection industry and finance the construction of major environmental protection facilities.

As a matter of fact, an improvement in air quality will not only effect a reduction in the cost of government-run medical and healthcare services but will also generate a lot of economic benefits brought by a better environment. In the long run, it does more good than harm to society. Therefore, the cost of environmental protection should not be deemed solely as expenditure; on the contrary, it should be seen as a long term investment. In addition to the contribution made by the public, the input by the government is indispensable to really achieving the goal of environmental protection. To drive the development of environmental protection industry, the government can offer preferential treatment in terms of land or tax incentives. It can also provide low interest loan or even funding to the construction of major environmental protection facilities to lower the cost borne by enterprises. With these efforts, the government can lessen the burden to be borne by the public while achieving the aim of promoting environmental protection. ■Translation by 東明 tungming23@gmail.com


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