■ To Kill a Mockingbird在2006年被選為每個成年人死前都要讀的書。資料圖片
2006年,為了慶祝「世界圖書日」(World Book Day),英格蘭(England)的博物館、圖書館及檔案館委員會(The Museum, Libraries and Archives Council)邀請全英國的圖書館管理員回答一條問題:哪本書是每個成年人死前都要讀的(Which book should every adult read before they die)?結果排行第二位是《聖經》,第三位是《魔戒》(The Lord of the Rings)三部曲。至於擊敗它們而榮登榜首的,便是今天介紹的T字首巨著:To Kill a Mockingbird,台灣譯作《梅岡城故事》,此外尚可譯作《殺死一隻模仿/知更/反舌鳥》,作者是美國女作家哈波.李(Harper Lee,1926-)。
「必讀」榜首 教訓清晰
故事發生在美國南方小鎮梅岡城(Maycomb),一名黑人給白人誣告強姦,一位白人律師亞惕.芬鵸(Atticus Finch)挺身為黑人洗脫罪名,當中涉及種族與正義等大課題,因而在美國引起極大迴響。小說的教訓清晰:黑人無辜,我們絕不能把他害死。至於英文書名為何這麼特別,便要詳細看看Atticus的兒子如何解釋:
Atticus said to Jem one day, "I'd rather you shot at tin cans in the back yard, but I know you'll go after birds. Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird."(有一天,爸爸對杰姆說:「我寧可你們在後院裡射罐頭,可是我知道你們想去打鳥。如果能打得著,你們把藍背鳥統統射殺都可以,但是你們得記住,殺死一隻模仿鳥是有罪的。」)
無罪之鳥 不可殺害
That was the only time I ever heard Atticus say it was a sin to do something, and I asked Miss Maudie about it.(這是唯一一次我聽見爸爸說做甚麼事情是有罪的,於是我就去問莫蒂小姐,爸爸說這話是甚麼意思。)
"Your father's right," she said. "Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. They don't eat up people's gardens, don't nest in corncribs, they don't do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That's why it's a sin to kill a mockingbird."(「你爸爸說得對,」她說。「模仿鳥不做甚麼事,只會唱歌給我們聽。牠們不吃掉花園裡的花和草,不在玉蜀黍堆裡作巢,牠們沒做甚麼壞事,只是把心裡的快樂唱給我們聽。所以殺死一隻模仿鳥是一樁罪惡。」)
如此厲害的小說也拍成了電影,兩者都不容錯過。 ■ 余 功