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2012年1月20日 星期五
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【打印】 【投稿】 【推薦】 【關閉】


http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2012-01-20]     我要評論

■考評局向全港中學發放文憑試通識科模擬練習卷,學界普遍認為試卷難度適中。 資料圖片



Liberal Studies examination should not cause difficulty for students

The Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA) distributed the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education(HKDSE) mock examination papers of Liberal Studies to secondary schools early this month. Some students worry that they do not have enough time to answer all questions while others are concerned that their results will be affected because there is no standardization of marking. As a matter of fact, since there are no model answers for a Liberal Studies examination and the scope of the subject is very wide, it is just natural that students feel anxious about the examination. Liberal Studies aims at developing independent thinking of students as well as enabling them to assimilate and make use of knowledge learned in various disciplines to understand society better. Therefore, the Liberal Studies examination should not be a cause of trouble to students and should not be there to undermine students' desire to study the subject. HKEAA should explore more deeply the opinions and feelings of students and teachers, and then reasonably adjust the design of the questions to help students go through the adaptation period smoothly.

Liberal Studies has widely become a compulsory subject among education systems in advanced countries such as those in America and Europe. The purpose of the subject is to enhance the independent thinking ability of students, and students will be able to acquire a certain level of knowledge from various disciplines studying the subject. Liberal Studies also encourages students to read more about social issues that happen every day so that their social awareness can be raised. The ultimate goal is to help students develop an ability to assimilate knowledge learned in different disciplines and grow up into complete all-round human beings. The Liberal Studies examination should therefore aim at testing students' multidimensional thinking skills and multi-disciplinary knowledge, as well as their ability to express themselves in an organized way. The examination paper should avoid topics which are either too difficult or rarely discussed. Rather it should focus on issues on which people have common knowledge and those that can arouse the students' interest in voicing their opinions. Otherwise, students may have difficulties finding the focus of the subject as Liberal Studies involves a really wide scope of knowledge and covers almost every aspect of life including politics, economics, livelihood, race and gender. ■Translation by 東明 tungming23@gmail.com


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