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2012年2月10日 星期五
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社評雙語道:加強纜車監管 提升服務質素

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2012-02-10]     我要評論

■纜車公司經常不依既定機制在遭遇突發事件時作出通報,反映公司管理混亂,明顯失職。 資料圖片



Tighten regulation of cable car operation to upgrade quality of service

On the third day of the Chinese New Year, Ngong Ping 360 cable car system had a breakdown, leaving 800 passengers stuck inside the cabins for nearly 2 hours at a low temperature of 3 degree Celsius. The government was highly concerned. It criticized the company's contingency plan and communication arrangement as unacceptable, and urged the company to make improvements. The cable car company's failure to report the incident in accordance with the established mechanism was a proof of its disorganized management and obviously a dereliction of duty. The quality of the cable car service has a bearing on the image of Hong Kong's tourist industry. Frequent failure of service as well as slow and inadequate response will hurt the overall interests of Hong Kong. To protect the rights of tourists and the reputation of Hong Kong tourism, the government has the unavoidable duty to exert more pressure and strengthen its regulation of the cable car company. It should carry out a stringent accountability and punishment system to force the company into enhancing its standard of service.

In fact, as early as in 2006 when there were repeated reports of system failure of the Ngong Ping 360 cable cars ever since its inception, the government had already asked the company to step up its incident report efforts. It is high time the government took concrete actions to strengthen its monitor. In the past, when the East Rail of KCRC had repeated incidents of system failure and did not report, the public was enraged and the government eventually intervened with a heavy hand to plug the management loophole. Now, for Ngong Ping 360, the government, being the biggest shareholder of MTRC, must determinedly demand greater accountability, and ask the management of the company to rectify its mistakes according to the system as well as to improve its service. There has to be a standardized management system whereby reward and punishment can be clearly defined so that the poor attitude and quality of service of the cable car company can be reversed. This is the way to protect the image of Hong Kong tourism and to regain visitors' confidence in Hong Kong. ■Translation by 東明 tungming23@gmail.com


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