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2012年10月12日 星期五
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【打印】 【投稿】 【推薦】 【關閉】


http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2012-10-12]     我要評論

■新政府同意香港訂立貧窮線。圖為扶貧委員會籌備小組會見少數族裔。 資料圖片




Set a poverty line that matches the situation of Hong Kong

The Task Force on the Commission on Poverty held its last meeting at the end of last month and agreed that Hong Kong should set a poverty line in future. The consent of the new government to set a poverty line for Hong Kong is a step forward in formulating strategy on poverty alleviation. However, to establish a poverty line which is generally accepted and credible, the government has to not only take reference from international practices, but also consider the actual situation and characteristics of Hong Kong. The line should be practicable and at the same time able to balance the interests of various parties. The poverty line is merely an indicator; the prime objective of setting up the line is to help the government formulate longer-term poverty alleviation policy in future. It is important that the government speeds up the study on introducing poverty alleviation measures so that more people living below the line will be able to get effective assistance.

While taking reference from international practices in setting the poverty line, the government should pay attention to the actual situation of Hong Kong and avoid simply imposing a foreign standard on Hong Kong without adaptation. For instance, the government should consider the real household income and the asset distribution of the people in Hong Kong, analyze the poor population and their background, and find out the reasons why they fall into poverty. In fact, the definition and demarcation of poverty vary from country to country. The poverty problem in Hong Kong is caused by a number of factors including economic transformation, population policy, talent mismatch and policies blocking upward mobility. A poverty line, either too high or too low, will unavoidably trigger disputes in Hong Kong society.

Setting a poverty line is only the first step in the government's poverty alleviation initiatives. More important is the actual alleviation effort to be undertaken after the line is set. To carry out comprehensive poverty alleviation, the authorities should draft a long-term strategy plan and actively seek out other means of social assistance from different perspectives such as social fairness, education, job placement support and welfare benefits. ■Translation by Tung-ming (tungming23@gmail.com)


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