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2012年10月12日 星期五
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【打印】 【投稿】 【推薦】 【關閉】


http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2012-10-12]     我要評論


Enjoy Your Tea and Friendship (6)

在「中國茶文化展」開幕式上的致辭 倫敦,2008年6月3日




 The UK government has pledged two million pounds of aid and has also sent a team of seven excellent doctors. The Embassy has received more than 970,000 pounds of cash donations from people across the UK. And an 18-year-old British student Isaac Lewis has said he would walk all the way from his home in Shotton, North Wales to London to raise money for the quake victims.

 On behalf of the people in the affected areas, I would like to once again extend our deep thanks. My thanks also go to the media for presenting a true picture of the disaster and our relief efforts and showing the world that the Chinese people are not robots without feelings. They are capable of helping each other, with a new generation of responsible citizens growing up in China, particularly young people born in the 1980s, who now understand the true meaning of sharing, loving and unity. Reconstruction will be a longterm process. We look forward to continued cooperation with the UK and the international community.

 In China, we believe offering tea is a gesture of friendship. So enjoy your tea and our friendship.Thank you.

1 pledge verb 保證、承諾 

2 gesture noun 姿態、手勢

書本簡介:傅瑩,現任中國外交部副部長,2003年至2009年先後任中國駐澳洲和英國大使。本書是她擔任駐兩國大使期間所作的重要演講,內容圍繞如何了解當代中國、中國是一個甚麼樣的國家、金融危機下的中國與西方關係等。 ■資料提供:中華書局


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