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2012年11月2日 星期五
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社評雙語道:淘汰柴油貨車 提供誘因助業界

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2012-11-02]     我要評論

 ■淘汰柴油貨車對物流業界的經營無可避免造成影響。香港文匯報記者歐陽文倩 攝

Offer incentives to help logistics industry replace diesel goods vehicles




The Environment Bureau is thinking about setting a lifespan for diesel commercial goods vehicles through legislation and not renewing the license for vehicles over 15 years of age in order to phase out old vehicles. Diesel goods vehicle is one of the major sources of roadside air pollution in Hong Kong. There is a definite need for the government to encourage owners to replace their diesel goods vehicles as soon as possible to improve air quality. However, replacing the old vehicles will lead to an increase in the operating cost of the logistics industry, which is now a cause for concern. The government should liaise closely with the industry and decide a vehicle lifespan suitable for Hong Kong. Also, it should offer incentives such as financing and tax benefits to lure the owners to replace their vehicles at an earlier stage.

Air pollution is a serious problem in Hong Kong. At present, diesel commercial vehicles represent merely 20% of vehicles running on the road but the nitrogen oxides and particles they produce account for 76% and 88% respectively of overall emission. Suspended particles produced by diesel cause much more greater harm to human being than those produced by gasoline engines. The World Health Organization has officially classified diesel fumes as carcinogen and specified the threat posed by diesel fumes as equivalent to asbestos, selenium, tobacco and alcohol which can cause lung cancer. The organization has called for a reduction of diesel fumes emission around the world.

Although the phasing out of diesel vehicles is a major trend, the difficulties that the logistics industry is going to face must be fully considered before implementing such a move so that the impact on the industry can be minimized. The government launched vehicle replacement financing schemes in 2000 and 2002 for commercial vehicles like taxi and minibus, and had all the vehicles replaced successfully. The government can now base on past experience and offer incentives such as loan, financing or tax benefit to lure the owners to replace their vehicles soonest so that the emission reduction project can go ahead as early as possible.

 ■Translation by Tung-ming (tungming23@gmail.com)


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