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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2012-11-23]     §Ú­nµû½×

Is China a Power? (6)





¡@¡XBy the end of March, China¡¦s foreign exchange reserves were 30 times that of the UK. Among the ten biggest banks in the world, four are from China and one is from the UK. The market value of ICBC can buy two HSBCs with still a bit of surplus. However, London is a global financial centre with about 550 foreign banks and 170 international securities firms. Among the top 500 companies in Europe, 100 set up their headquarters in London.

¡@¡XThe UK is a post-industrial society and urban residents make up 90% of the population. China is in the early phase of industrialisation and urbanisation, with 53.4% of the population being rural residents, and 135 million people still living under a dollar a day.

¡@The list can go on and on. That is why, as a survey shows, 80% of Chinese disagree that we have ascended to the status of a global power.

¡@1 foreign exchange reserves noun ¥~¶×Àx³Æ

¡@2 post-industrial adjective «á¤u·~¤Æ

¡@3 make up phrasal verb ²Õ¦¨¡Bºc¦¨




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