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2012年11月23日 星期五
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社評雙語道:加大扶貧力度 解決深層次矛盾

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2012-11-23]     我要評論




Poverty alleviation initiatives have to be strengthened to solve deep rooted contradictions

The HKSAR government has announced the reinstatement of the Commission on Poverty. The reinstated commission will comprise members from a wide social spectrum including relevant senior government officials, legislative councillors as well as representatives from the business sector, non-governmental organizations, academics and front-line social workers. The composition enables different views and opinions to be reflected in the discussion and policy-making process of the commission, which ensures that policies formulated can be geared to the interests and needs of various social strata. On the other hand, the make-up of the commission also facilitates a better communication with the Legislative Council, which helps to make sure that the relevant poverty alleviation policies can gain the support of the law-making body. Poverty alleviation was an important component of the Election Manifesto of the Chief Executive. Now, the pledge is turned into a concrete initiative implemented under the auspices of the most senior level of the government. This demonstrates that the government places great emphasis on the issue of poverty, and that it is determined and willing to make an effort to solve the poverty problem. It is a right move towards eliminating the deep rooted contradictions in Hong Kong.

The Commission on Poverty is not just a forum for discussion but also a platform for action. Two funds have been incorporated under the commission. One of them is the existing Community Care Fund, and the other is the new Social Innovation And Entrepreneurship Development Fund. The Community Care Fund has been in operation for many years and more than a dozen projects have been launched under the principle of "implementing initiatives as they are ready". These projects have already benefitted a considerable number of needy people, and in the days ahead, the fund will continue to roll out more and more projects. The newly set-up Social Innovation And Entrepreneurship Development Fund will focus on some newer models of poverty alleviation such as helping the social enterprises and encouraging employment. The Commission on Poverty will directly oversee and manage these two funds, supporting and working in collaboration with them through resource allocation. This will help expedite the implementation of poverty alleviation policies and make the effects of such policies be felt as early as possible.(節自十一月十日香港《文匯報》) ■Translation by Tung-ming [ tungming23@gmail.com ]


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