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2013年2月6日 星期三
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社評雙語道:確保奶粉供應 維護市場秩序

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2013-02-06]     我要評論

■配方奶粉是大部分嬰兒每日的必需品,圖為一名遊客正在挑選奶粉。 資料圖片



Ensure infant formula supply to maintain order in the market

The Secretary for Food and Health Dr Ko Wing-man pointed out in a radio programme on 24 January that he would not rule out the possibility of taking strong measures to combat stockpiling of infant formula milk powder (infant formula) by drug stores in order to guarantee the steady supply of infant formula to local babies in Hong Kong, even though suppliers and retailers had respectively agreed to ensure adequate supply of infant formula and to limit purchase by individuals to 4 cans per person. Hong Kong is a sales hot spot for infant formula and the demand has been very high. As the Lunar New Year draws near, parallel traders buy infant formula from Hong Kong in large quantities. Some stores push up the price by stockpiling or speculative reselling in a bid to gain greater profits. This has caused a rush for infant formula in some districts and led to panicking in the market. The authorities have to review the supply mechanism of infant formula and try to satisfy the needs of the local people by increasing supply. At the same time, the authorities ought to put in stronger effort in combating parallel trading activities as well as investigating the situation of stockpiling and price mark-up. Punitive measures should be imposed to restore order in the market.

 In fact, recent import of infant formula into Hong Kong has not decreased; instead it has increased compared to past years. The problem is that some drug stores which monopolize the sourcing of infant formula put only a limited amount on sale after stocking large quantities. This is why supply does not meet demand. The authorities should probe deep into the causes of infant formula shortage and tackle the problem with the right moves. Apart from this, they should step up unannounced inspections to check whether there is deliberate price mark-up or discrimination in selling the infant formula. Severe punishments should be imposed on stores that are found committing these offences to act as a deterrent and so to ensure a smooth retail channel of infant formula. As the number of individual mainland travellers to Hong Kong continues to increase in recent years, the authorities should join force with the relevant immigration departments on the mainland in examining the mechanism and formulating appropriate measures to differentiate between parallel traders and general individual travellers. While containing parallel trading activities, mainland travellers* desire to spend in Hong Kong should not be undermined.(節自2013年1月25日香港《文匯報》) ■Translation by Tung-ming [ tungming23@gmail.com ]

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