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2014年11月12日 星期三
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【打印】 【投稿】 【推薦】 【關閉】

社評雙語道:結束「佔中」 接通「滬港通」




End the Occupy movement and kick-start the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect

The long-awaited Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect did not start operation in October as market had expected, leaving investors in disappointment. The connection is going to play a very important role in the economic development of Hong Kong as well as the financial development of China. It receives great support from the central government and is given much emphasis by Hong Kong society. Now, the "Occupy movement" has led to the delay of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect project, and this reflects that this illegal occupation has directly hampered the development of the financial industry in Hong Kong. All sectors in Hong Kong should support the government in evicting the occupying protesters in accordance with the law so that the "Occupy movement" can end as soon as possible and the Shanghai-Hong Stock Connect can be put into service in no time.

Today, the driving force of the Hong Kong economy, including most funds, comes mainly from the mainland. If the relationship between Hong Kong and the mainland deteriorates any further, it can have a direct influence on the support given by the mainland to Hong Kong, and inevitably the local Hong Kong people will also be affected. The general public, having put up with all sufferings, should now fully support the police in taking decisive eviction action to end the chaos caused by the "Occupy movement" and restore the rule of law and public order. This is the way to create favourable conditions for the inception of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect.■Translation and Learning Point by Tung-ming [ tungming23@gmail.com ]

Learning Point

Intransitive verb 'deteriorate'

'If the relationship between Hong Kong and the mainland deteriorates ...'

'Deteriorate' 意思是「惡化」,就是一些情況「惡化,走下坡」,是不及物動詞(intransitive verb),沒有受詞、賓語(object),因此亦沒有被動式(passive)。


從下列句子選出用錯了'deteriorate' 的三句句子。

1.The economy is deteriorating gradually.

2.Lack of exercise deteriorates her health.

3.Her health is deteriorated by lack of exercise.

4.Nobody takes care of the problem and the condition deteriorates.

5.Economic development of the city was deteriorated by inflation.


1.句子 2、3 和 5 都是錯的。


Her health deteriorates because of the lack of exercise.

3.句子 5 可以改寫成:

Economic development of the city deteriorated due to inflation. 或Economic development of the city was hampered by inflation. 或Inflation hampered economic development of the city.


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