「一隻綿羊、兩隻綿羊、三隻綿羊 ......」大家失眠(insomnia)時,可有試過想像一隻隻可愛的綿羊跳過圍欄(fence)的畫面﹖這個坊間流傳對付失眠的方法,成效見仁見智。但當談及羊時,大家可能先想起毛茸茸(fluffy)、有羊角(horn)的綿羊(sheep),年幼的綿羊就是lamb,而在中國十二生肖(The 12-Year Animal Cycle)中的羊則是山羊(goat)。
綿羊和山羊都是羊,但外貌截然不同,英語有一句關於綿羊和山羊的諺語separate the sheep from the goats,比喻將一群人分類,分辨優劣:The interviewers separate the sheep from the goats to select suitable candidates. (面試官從芸芸的面試者中挑選適合的人選。)
綿羊給人的印象是乖巧、溫馴(docile)。因此我們可用羊形容一個人馴良(as gentle as a lamb):The naughty boy is as gentle as a lamb when he is with his mother. (那個頑皮的男孩和母親一起時,馴良得如一隻小羊。)
Glossary :
失眠 insomnia
圍欄 fence
毛茸茸 fluffy
羊角 horn
十二生肖 The 12-Year Animal Cycle
分辨優劣 separate the sheep from the goats
溫馴 docile
馴如小羊 as gentle as a lamb
■香港專業進修學校 語言傳意學部講師廖尹彤、崔穎欣