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2015年1月21日 星期三
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【打印】 【投稿】 【推薦】 【關閉】



■政府計劃增加煙稅,每包煙或售93元。 資料圖片



Increased tobacco tax to make smokers quit

The Council on Smoking and Health (COSH) suggests that the government double tobacco tax in the coming fiscal year and bring the retail price of a pack of cigarettes up to HK$93. Indeed, there is a need for Hong Kong to substantially raise the tax and vigorously combat the trade of illicit cigarettes. It will get more smokers to quit and prevent youngsters from taking up the habit, thereby protecting public health.

An extensive rise in the tax can effectively deter people from smoking and encourage addicts to quit. Yet the tobacco industry and their allies often strongly oppose the initiative on the pretext that it would fuel cigarette smuggling. Hoping to make the government scale down the policy, their tactic is to propagate in high-sounding language that a tax rise would increase illegal trade of contraband cigarettes. But the fact remains that a higher tax and levy on smuggling are the most effective ways to root out illegal trade of tobacco; leaving the tax unchanged will not curb it.

Learning Point:


Combat 打擊、阻止壞的事件發生

Prevent/Deter somebody from doing something 預防/阻止某人做某些事

Scale down 降低、縮減

Root out 解決、根除一些問題

Curb 減少、抑制

■Translation and Learning Point by Tung-ming

[ tungming23@gmail.com ]



1. Heavier tobacco tax can effectively _________.(阻止年輕人吸煙)

2. Many countries are trying their best to ___________.(打擊恐怖主義)

3. It is nearly impossible to _______________.(解決失業)

4. Severe punishment can ________________.(防止人犯案)

5. The department wants to _______________.(降低污染程度)

6. The government is taking measures to_________.(控制溫室氣體排放)


1. prevent/ deter young people from smoking

2. combat terrorism

3. root out unemployment

4. deter/ prevent people from committing crimes

5. scale down the pollution levels

6. curb greenhouse gas emissions

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