■想形容考試幾乎不及格,記得將「almost」放在「every exam」的旁邊。 資料圖片
Misplaced Modifiers需留意二之二
上次和同學們探討過misplaced modifiers後,今日想講述同學應如何糾正misplaced modifiers,避免再犯同類錯誤。
Misplaced modifiers 是指作者錯置修飾詞,因而產生謬誤。 例如,在上次的練習中,有以下的句子:
The boy ate a cold dish of cereal for dinner.
這句子荒謬之處是作者意外地將「cold」去形容那個碟子而不是來形容「cereal」;正確的方法是應是將「cold」用來形容「cereal」; 句子的意思才變得有意思,從而表達那男孩的慘況。
要糾正misplaced modifiers,方法其實很簡單。策略是當你想用modifier去修飾詞語時,你應將那modifier放在你想修飾的詞語的旁邊。換句話說,修飾詞與被修飾的詞語是不應被分開的。例如:
1.I almost failed every exam I took.
如果你原本是想表達你這麼多年來的考試幾乎都不合格,例1那句字的意思剛剛相反。 將almost 放在failed 的旁邊,變成了almost 去形容failed。句子的意思則變成了「雖然每次考試成績總是在不合格的邊緣,但每次我在考試中總能夠安然度過的。」
(Revised)I failed almost every exam I took. (將「almost」放在「every exam」附近,才能表達原意。)
2.The anchor (新聞節目主持人) just said it's going to rain on the TV.
「On the TV」被放在「rain」附近變成了修飾「rain」;句子意思變成「快要在TV下雨」。這當然亦是不合理的。
(Revised)The anchor just said on the TV that it's going to rain. (「On the TV」應放回在「said」的旁邊,句子的意思就不會產生confusion。)
最後,筆者想提醒同學們,雖然dangling modifiers與misplaced modifiers等concepts並不難,但由於一般老師在課堂上不常提醒同學們要注意它們,因此同學們在下次寫作時應加倍留意,避免犯上這些錯誤。■Dr. A. Chan
The following sentences contain either dangling modifiers or misplaced modifiers. Identify the mistakes and revise them.
1.Having finished the tasks, the TV was switched on.
2.Like most cats, John said his cat Lucas likes fresh air.
3.Reaching the mountain top, the sun came out.
1. Having finished the tasks, the TV was switched on. (dangling modifier)
Having finished the tasks, my brother switched on the TV.
2. Like most cats, John said his cat Lucas likes fresh air. (misplaced modifier)
John said his cat Lucas, like most cats, likes fresh air.
3. Reaching the mountain top, the sun came out. (dangling modifier)
When I reached the mountain top, the sun came out.