■據德納米爾新書「爆料」,法國很多餐廳都用微波爐「饗」客。 資料圖片
「不過法國知名大廚德納米爾在新書中,踢爆現時在法國餐廳和咖啡店用餐,10道菜有7道其實是從食物工場訂購,再用微波爐加熱上桌,狠批此舉形同『作弊』」:「知名」可用well-known或famous;「踢爆」可用reveal或expose,意思是「揭露」;「咖啡店」是cafe,「(小)餐廳」是bistro;「微波爐」是microwave;「狠批」可以severely criticize表示;「作弊」可寫作cheat 。
「他歸咎政府對餐飲業界實施重稅,迫使餐廳不惜一切節省成本,訂購預製食物及聘用黑工,警告情況若再無改善,法國菜將陷萬劫不復之地」:「歸咎」可用blame (someone) for (something)表示;「餐飲業界」是food and beverage industry;「實施」可用impose;「重稅」是heavy tax;;「不惜一切」可寫作by all means;「節省成本」是cut costs;「預製食物」可用ready-made foods表達;「聘用」可用recruit;「黑工」可用illegal worker;「法國菜」是French cuisine;「陷萬劫不復之地」可以be damned to everlasting perdition表達,其中perdition意思是滅亡。
「法國菜多年來享譽全球,不過鋒頭近年有被其他國家蓋過的跡象。法國政府為了救亡,去年推出『自家製』標誌,讓餐廳向食客宣傳菜式全部由廚師親手炮製」:「享譽全球」可寫作enjoy worldwide prestige或global reputation;「鋒頭」可以spotlights表達,意思是焦點;「蓋過」可用overshadow表達;「救亡」可寫作save the situation;「自家製 」是home-made,法語原話是fait maison。「由廚師親手炮製」實質是指「用原材料(非工廠製造的)就地製作的」,簡單叫freshly made就可以。
因此全段可英譯如下:Diners would usually like to try the chef's personally-cooked dishes. However, the famous French chef Xavier Denamur revealed in his new book that seven in ten meals served in French bistros and cafes were in fact factory-made then reheated in microwave, and severely criticized this as "cheats." He blamed the government for imposing heavy tax on the food and beverage industry, forcing the restaurants to cut costs by all means by ordering ready-made foods and recruiting illegal workers. He warned that if there was no improvement, the French culinary tradition would be damned to everlasting perdition. French cuisine has long enjoyed worldwide prestige, but the spotlights on it have been overshadowed by the cuisines of other countries in recent years. To save its culinary status, the French government introduced a "fait maison" (homemade) label last year to promote restaurants where all dishes are freshly made. ■龐嘉儀
1. 「咖啡店」也可用c_____ s___?
2. 「聘用」除了可用recruit,還會用e_____?
3. 「自家製 」也會用"DIY"表達,全稱是?
1. coffee shop
2. employ
3. Do It Yourself