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2015年7月8日 星期三
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社評雙語道:MTR must improve service quality as fares rise 港鐵加價須提升服務質素


■港鐵連年加價,故障卻頻生,應該加以改善。 資料圖片




(文匯報社評 22-6-2015)

The MTR raised its fares from June 21 by an average of 4.3 per cent, which means more than 65 per cent of trips are charinging 10 to 40 HK cents more, and over 30 per cent of the passengers have to pay an extra 50 HK cents or more per ride. This is the sixth year in a row of the railway company's fare rise and the rate of increase is the second highest in history. Despite a reported net profit of as much as HK$15 billion last year, it still took advantage of the fare adjustment mechanism for a maximal 4.3 per cent increase, no doubt a decision based entirely on business interests and regardless of the affordability of citizens and the overall well-being of Hong Kong.

Obviously, the MTR has not borne enough of its social obligations. While tickets are asking for more, train disruptions have been a constant, the chief source of public dissent. As the major public transport operator in the city, it must take up its duty and fulfil its role and perform its functions, improve service quality, and satisfy the need of public transport.

On the other hand, the SAR government, the main shareholder of the MTR, ought to shoulder its supervisory duty: review and optimize the fare adjustment mechanism as soon as possible, and monitor the MTR to keep service and fares in line. (22-6-2015)

Learning Point

fare, fee, price






在下列空格內填上 fare, fee, 或 price,適當的時候用眾數。

1. Property _________ keep rising.

2. Many parents spend a lot of money on the costs of their children's school __________.

3. He bought a second hand car at a low _________.

4. Air _________ will probably go up during the summer vacation.

5. How much is the annual membership ________ ?

6. There will be a _________ reduction if you board the train before 7:30 am.


1. prices 2. fees 3. price

4. fares 5. fee 6. fare

■Translation and Learning Point by

Tung-ming [tungming23@gmail.com]


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社評雙語道:MTR must improve service quality as fares rise 港鐵加價須提升服務質素 (圖)
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