Imperial College London¡AµÛ¦³¿Ë¤l¨|¨à®Ñ¡m»¶¶ý¼éª¨«¢«¢B¡n¤Î»P°¨º¬·£¦XµÛºZ¾P®Ñ¡mSlang¡G«ËÄê^»y1&2¡nµ¥¡C
1. People say, how can I help on this war against terror? How can I fight evil? You can do so by mentoring a child; by going into a shut-in's house and say I love you.
¬Ý¨ì³o¥y¡A³s§Ú¤]¹ê¦b§Ô¤£¦ín»¡²Ê¸Ü¤F¡IPresident Bush¡A§A¨s³º¦b»¡¤°»ò¡H¹ïþÓ¤pªB¤Í»¡§Ú·R§A´N¬OÀ°§U¥´¤Ï®£¾Ô¡H¤Eø·f¤K¡I
2. There is an old saying in Tennessee-I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee-that says, fool me once, shame on-shame on you. Fool me-you can't get fooled again.
¯u«YÁ¿¨ì¶Ã®ÍÀs¡I¨ä¹ê¥LªºquotationÀ³¬O¡GFool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. ¡]§A´ÛÄF§Ú¤@¦¸¡A¬O§A¤£¸Ó¡C§A´ÛÄF§Ú²Ä¤G¦¸¡A¬O§Ú¬¡¸Ó¡C¡^
³o´X¶°©Ò¦³quotes³£¬OPresident Bush¥Ñ1998¦~¦Ü2008¦~¡A¦b¥Lªººt»¡©Î¶Ç´C¹ïµª®É©Ò°O¿ýªº¡A³s¥L¦Û¤v¤]ª¾¹D¦Û¤v¦Ñ¥¢¨¥¦Ó³Q¼J¡C¥L¤]´¿¦Û¼J»¡¡GTo those of you who received honours, awards and distinctions, I say well done. And to the C students, I say you, too, can be president of the United States.¡]¨º¨Ç¾Ç·~Àu¨q¡A±o¨ìºaÅA¡B¼ú¶µ¡BA¯Å¦¨ÁZªº¦P¾Ç¡A·F±o¦n¡C¦Ü©ó¨º¨ÇC¯Åªº¦P¾Ç¹À¡A§Ú»¡¡A§A¤]¥i¥H¦¨¬°¬ü°êÁ`²Î¡C¡^