「全球無數食客對芝士愛不釋手,估計每名美國人平均一年會吃掉35磅(約15.9公斤)芝士。美國密歇根大學研究發現,愈是高脂及經加工的食物愈易令人上癮」:「愛不釋手」可用enthuse表達,意思是熱衷於某事物;「吃掉」可用consume;「高脂」可以high-fat或fatty表示;「加工食物」是processed food;「上癮」可用get hooked,或get addicted to,形容詞是addictive,名詞是addiction。
「其中薄餅榮登『最易令人上癮食物』榜首,而最大『功臣』正是芝士,因為它含有一種化合物,在消化時會釋出類似鴉片的物質,令人欲罷不能,有專家甚至形容芝士是『奶製品中的毒品』」:「化合物」可用chemical表示;「消化」是digestion;「鴉片」是opium;「類似鴉片的物質」可用opiate;「奶製品」是dairy product;「毒品」是drug。
「大學研究團隊邀請了500名學生填問卷,了解他們的食物喜好,結果發現脂肪含量愈高和加工食品最易令人上癮,相反糙米和三文魚等健康食物在排行榜上則敬陪末席」:「問卷」可用questionnaire;「糙米」是brown rice;「三文魚」是salmon。
「專家解釋,芝士含有一款名為『酪蛋白』的物質,在消化時會釋出『酪啡銵z,會刺激腦部,令人上癮。牛奶本身含有少量『酪蛋白』,但由於製造芝士需要大量牛奶,使得芝士內的『酪蛋白』含量大幅增加」:「專家」可用experts;「酪蛋白」是 casein;「酪啡銵v是casomorphin;「刺激」可用stimulate;「腦部」是brain;「製造」可用produce。
What makes pizzas addictive: Cheese
因此全段可英譯如下:Many food lovers worldwide are enthused about cheese. It is estimated that each American consumes over 35 pounds (about 15.9 kg) of cheese a year. A study by the University of Michigan found that the more fatty and processed foods were more addictive. Among them pizza topped the addictive scale, because it contains cheese which includes a chemical that releases an opiate during digestion, making people get hooked. Some expert even described cheese as a "dairy opium."
The research team invited 500 students to complete a questionnaire to examine their food preference. It found that fatty and processed foods were the hardest to put down, while healthy foods such as brown rice and salmon were the least favored by the questionees.
Experts explained that cheese contains a substance called casein that would release casomorphins during digestion, which stimulates the human brain and causes addiction. While milk has only little casein, it requires plenty of milk to produce cheese, which increases the casein content significantly.■龐嘉儀
1. 奶製品「蛋白質」豐富,它的英文是?
2. 不少加工食物被列為「致癌物」,它的英文是?
3. 很多不健康的食物通常被稱作j___ f___?
1. Protein
2. Carcinogen
3. Junk food