很多時候寫議論文都需要提出自己的論點,以及rebut(反駁)他人的意見。無論如何,作者都應留意一下自己有沒有犯下以下有關邏輯上的fallacy(謬誤)。我今天和同學分享一種常見的邏輯謬誤,faulty analogy(錯誤的類比)。
Progressive taxation(累進稅制)helps redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor and thus benefits society. Robbing(搶劫)someone does the same, so it benefits society.
作者將robbing和progressive taxation作類比,指出兩者一樣是劫富濟貧,因而產生一個荒謬的結論:搶劫有益社會。當然這是個較為extreme(極端)的例子。再看另一個比較真實(realistic)但同樣不合理的例子:
The fundamental idea of social welfare(社會福利)is that resources of the "haves" can be gathered and then reallocated to the "have nots". Similarly, if we adopt institutional forced organ harvesting(強制摘取器官合法化), the organs from "donors" can be gathered and then reallocated to the "have nots". It is in this sense we should adopt forced organ harvesting.
作者將forced organ harvesting和social welfare作類比。雖然兩者看似相像,但作者完全避開討論強制摘取器官的荒謬之處,即沒有取得「捐者」自由和自願的同意(obtaining prior free and voluntary consent from the donors)。
Read the following statement and determine whether the following analogy is reasonable. Explain the problem if it is not.
Drinking alcohol (酒) is like ingesting arsenic (砒霜) into your body. Both have been shown to be causally related to death.
Faulty analogy. The reason is that arsenic is potent poison, while alcohol is not.
■Dr. A Chan 哲學博士,哲學碩士,英語講師。熟悉公開考試之出題模式與評分準則,任教英語。