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【社評雙語道】港鐵由內至外改善 承擔社會責任

■人命關天,乘客安全是首要考慮。圖為縱火案後車廂內一片狼藉。 資料圖片■人命關天,乘客安全是首要考慮。圖為縱火案後車廂內一片狼藉。 資料圖片

【原文】2月10日晚發生的港鐵車廂縱火案(arson attack),引起全港對港鐵安全的高度關注(deep concerns)。港鐵13日成立高層調查小組(high-level committee),檢討事故應變安排,並邀請海外及本地專家提供意見,預計一個月內有初步報告(preliminary findings)。

縱火事件發生後,社會各界都紛紛要求港鐵檢討安全保障是否足夠,並提出了不少意見,例如在車廂內加裝閉路電視、仿效深圳設置入站安檢(security checkpoints)、由警方抽查入站乘客等等。種種做法各有利弊,社會對該做什麼、不做什麼有不同看法(no consensus)。

自身找問題 設安檢或引爭議

現階段,港鐵應該以開放態度面對不同建議,作一個全面、系統、深入的檢討(thorough, systemic and in-depth review),不應有預設立場。

作為公共交通服務提供方,港鐵有必要先從自身查找(assess)問題,例如車廂(train compartments)的滅火設備是否足夠、是否有清晰的標示(sign)、職員能否有效控制場面、在面對突發事件的應對是否恰當等等。

港鐵是香港最重要的大眾運輸系統,每日運送超過500萬人次,其優點是快捷方便。有人認為,此次縱火事件是單一事件,香港仍是全球最安全的國際城市,市民安分守紀,無必要小題大做,如臨大敵,目前不至於要為提升安全而犧牲港鐵運作效率(operation efficiency)。如果因為一次縱火事件,就要仿效其他城市的安檢做法,採進嚴密安保措施,例如入站安檢、警方抽查等,恐怕會引起爭議(controversy )。

平衡安保運作 主動承擔費用

安全和效率之間的選擇,的確應充分諮詢公眾意見,爭取最大共識,找到最合適的方案。事實上,安全(risk reduction)與效率很多時候是一對矛盾,需要適當平衡。


港鐵擁有龐大的地產物業投資,每年綜合利潤數十億,有責任承擔更多企業社會責任(social responsibility)。為讓市民安全放心乘搭港鐵,防範縱火事件重演,預防其他不測事件,應主動負擔(bear)增加保安的費用,切勿斤斤計較,轉嫁到乘客身上,以示取之於民、用之於民,回饋社會。(標題及小標題為編輯所加)(摘錄自文匯報社評14-2-2017)

MTR should work from within and bear social responsibility

【譯文】The MTR arson attack during 10 February evening has drawn deep concerns over public safety of the railway system. The MTR has set up a high-level committee on 13 February to investigate the incident, with preliminary findings due to be published in a month.

After the incident, the public have urged the MTR to review its security level, and have put forward a lot of opinions.

These suggestions include CCTV cameras on all MTR trains, Shenzhen-like security checkpoints, and random security checks conducted by law enforcement officers.While there is no consensus among the community on what has to be done yet, the MTR should keep its options open and conduct a thorough, systemic and in-depth review.

Checkpoints may be disputed

As a public transport operator, the MTR should first assess its current safety and emergency measures before considering other factors. Are there enough fire extinguishers inside train compartments? Are they clearly marked with a sign? Can the station staff maintain effective control in case of an emergency? Are their responses appropriate?

Carrying more than five million commuters a day with high efficiency, the MTR is the most important public transport system in Hong Kong.

Some believes the arson attack is an isolated case, and Hong Kong is still the safest and most orderly major city in the world. In their opinion, sacrificing the MTR's operation efficiency for security boost is unnecessary.

Controversy would also likely follow if the railway network tightens security measures by introducing checkpoints and random police inspections just because of a single arson.

Ample public opinion must first be gathered in order to strike a balance between security and efficiency, for risk reduction often brings an inevitable impact on operations.

Should bear social responsibility

That being said, passenger safety should always remain paramount. High ridership means higher casualties and deeper impact on the society whenever an incident hits, so stepping up security measures is definitely justified in this sense. The key issue now would be striking a balance between risk and efficiency.

Boasting billions of dollars' worth of comprehensive income from property investments, the MTR should shoulder more social responsibility. In order to ensure passenger safety and prevent future incidents, the local transport giant should take the initiative to increase its security budget and bear all the extra costs.

This would be a great example of corporate social responsibility and the perfect gesture of paying back the society.

■ Jeffrey Tse [ywc_jeffrey@hotmail.com]

Learning Point



1987年,英國倫敦地鐵站King's Cross St. Pancras tube station就曾經發生大火,並造成31人死亡。



