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­»´ä¤H¤f³vº¥¦ÑÄ֤ơAªñ¨Ó¸g±`Å¥¨ì³o¤H¨º¤H°h¥ð¤F¡C¡u°h¥ð¡v­^¤å¬O retire¡C»¡¬Y¬Y°h¥ð¤F¡A­^¤å´N¬O¡GHe/She has retired.


Be retired ³Q°h¥ð

µM¦Ó¡Aretire¦³®É¥i¥H¬O¤Îª«°Êµü¡A«á­±¥[¤W»«»y¡C¦pªG»¡¬Y¨Ç¹µ¥Dretire someone¡A§Y¬O¥L­Ì¸Ñ¹µ¤F¬Y¤H¡C³q±`¬O³o¤H¦~©¡°h¥ð¦~ÄÖ¡A©Î°·±d¤£¨Î¡C¦b³o­Ó·N¸q¤W¨Ï¥Îretire¡A¦h·|¥Î³Q°Ê¦¡passive¡A¦³ÂI¹³²{¦bªº­»´ä¸Ü¡u³Q°h¥ð¡v¡G

The company had to be restructured and he was retired at the age of 55.


¥t¤@­Ó¬Û¦üªº°Êµü¬Opension off¡Apension­ì¬O°h¥ðª÷¡A¥i·Q¦Óª¾¬Oµo©ñ°h¥ðª÷¡AþÓ¤H°h¥ðÂ÷¾¡A¥ç¬O¦h·|¥Î³Q°Ê¦¡¡G

He was pensioned off and replaced with a less experienced young man.


Put out to grass ¡u©ñ³v¡v

¥ç¦³¸û¤f»y¤Æªºµu»yput someone out to grass¡]©ñ³v¨ì¯ó¦a¡^¡A¦P¼Ë¬O¥O¤H°h¥ðÂ÷¶}±^¦ì¡A³q±`¦]¬°³o­Ó¤H¦~¬ö¤j¡A¤u§@¯à¤O¤£¦p«e¡C³o¥Î»y·½©ó°¨¤Ç°h§Ð«á³Q©ñ¦^¯ó¦a¡A¤£¦AªA§Ð¡A¦ý¨S¦³¤H¹}¾i¡A¦b¯ó¦a¦Û¥Ñ¹L¤é¤l¡C

©Ò¥H¡Aput out to grass¥ç¤ñ³ë¤H¦~¬öº¥¤j¡A¡u³Q°h¥ð¡vªº±¡§Î¡C¥[ÂIÅܤơA¥i¥H»¡turn someone out to pasture¡]©ñ¨ìªª³õ¡^graze¡]¦Y¯ó¡^¡C

The company has decided to put the secretary out to grass even though she has not reached retirement age.


I heard that she will be turned out to pasture next month. She is not too old and so not quite ready for it.


Many workers have been put out to grass earlier and earlier as employers often use early retirement to cut cost.


The president refused to be turned out to pasture and would try her best to stay.


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