數天前,在facebook上看到一則倫敦地鐵站給市民的告示:Please wear deodorant, you might not be able to smell yourself. (請戴上除臭劑,你或許聞不到自己身上的臭味。)
倫敦的地鐵沒有冷氣,在攝氏30多度的高溫下,可以想像乘搭地鐵一定不是愉快的經歷。告示留給我最大的印象,並不是它的提示,反而是它運用的language:用詞不但較低俗,甚至文法亦不完全正確。它犯了一個很多同學會犯的文法錯誤- run-on sentences(連寫句)。
一句只能有一main verb
簡單來說,run-on sentences是將兩句完整句子放在一起,不加連接詞,組成一句句子:
1. I will never lie, I will never hurt you. (comma-splice sentence)
2. I go to the library I want to borrow some books. (fused sentence)
以上兩句句子一同犯了run-on的mistake。 在英文文法中,一句完整的句子只能擁有一個main verb(主動詞),而在上面兩句子中,每句都有兩個main verbs:句1中的will lie和will hurt,以及句2中的go和want。
說實在的,大部分同學都不會犯fused sentence(句2)的毛病,反而應該留意句1。
要避免run-on sentences,除了要記得comma並不可用來連結句子,還要記得每句完整句子不能用多過一個main verb。
1. 用conjunctions(連接詞)連接兩個main ideas: I go to the library and I want to borrow some books.
2. 用semi-colon(分號)連接兩個main ideas:I go to the library; I want to borrow some books.
3. 用subordinate clause:Because I want to borrow some books, I will go to the library.
在這句子中,雖然句子中仍然有兩個動詞,但只有will go是main verb,並沒有violate(違反)任何的grammar rule(文法規則)。
然而,考生要記得,無論在什麼情況下,都應該使用文法正確的英文。■Dr. A. Chan,哲學博士,哲學碩士,英語講師。熟悉公開考試之出題模式與評分準則,任教英語。
1. Which of the following sentences is grammatical?
a. I love literature and movies, however, I'd still choose engineering as my undergraduate major.
b. I love literature and movies; however, I'd still choose engineering as my undergraduate major.
2. Which of the following sentences is ungrammatical?
a. While many people don't support gay marriage, I support it because of my belief in equality and freedom of choice.
b. Many people don't support gay marriage, but I support it because of my belief in equality and freedom of choice.
c. Many people don't support gay marriage, I, meanwhile, support it because of my belief in equality and freedom of choice.
1. B
2. C