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【社評雙語道】重量亦重質 參考外國鑄「香港體驗」

■香港可參考新加坡、盧森堡及汶萊等地經驗,改善旅遊業狀況。圖為遊客在名店外排隊購物。 資料圖片■香港可參考新加坡、盧森堡及汶萊等地經驗,改善旅遊業狀況。圖為遊客在名店外排隊購物。 資料圖片

【原文】香港特區政府早前發佈「香港旅遊業發展藍圖」,有本地政黨據此草擬《香港旅遊業持續發展建議書》,檢視世界旅遊業發展趨勢(global trends)和本港市場實際情況,提出多個長期措施,包括參考了新加坡等地的經驗提出分流旅客、旅遊產品多元化、發展智慧旅遊城市(smart tourism city)等,以進一步提升本港旅遊業的競爭力(competitive)。

事實上,本港旅遊業過去十多年的發展模式存在重量不重質(putting quantity over quality)的弊端,負面作用漸顯,因此有必要根據本港的實際情況進行改良。

星設基金培訓從業者 冀提升創意

在世界各地中,新加坡和本港的環境最為相似,其發展經驗值得參考。新加坡旅遊局提出,必須令旅客的「新加坡體驗」有別於(unique)任何其他地方,當中關鍵是兩大因素,一是加強硬件(hardware)建設,即發展新旅遊基建;二是提升軟件(software)的內容和層次,即發展具創意內容。這對旅遊從業者提出更高的要求,故此新加坡設立不同基金用於員工培訓(staff training),這亦創造了更高價值的工作機會,令旅遊業成為更具吸引力的行業。

反觀本港,除了擴建迪士尼(Disneyland)和海洋公園(Ocean Park)外,大型新旅遊基建寥寥可數;通過零負團費強迫購物等低端行為長期禁而不絕。這些均極大地限制了(hampered)本港旅遊業的發展。

盧森堡重商務公幹 汶萊推電子政務

盧森堡(Luxembourg)也是一個值得借鑒的例子。該國是歐洲金融中心之一,中國六大銀行的歐洲總部均位於盧森堡,因此會議展覽和商務公幹是當地重要的旅遊模式,其政府亦着力發展高端( high-end)旅遊業態。

本港同樣是國際金融中心,又是世界級的會議展覽中心,具備發展高端旅遊的充分條件,而因受制於接待能力,更應重點吸引消費能力較強的過夜旅客(overnight visitors)。



上述與香港類似環境的旅遊業界成功經驗,都值得香港同行借鑒。期待政府有關部門和業界共同促進香港旅遊業的轉型升級,向八方來客提供獨一無二的「香港體驗」。 (標題及小標題為編輯所加) (摘錄自香港文匯報社評30-10-2017)

"Hong Kong experience" should rest on quality

【譯文】In response to the recent release of the government's "Development Blueprint for Hong Kong's Tourism Industry", a local political party has drafted a proposal for its sustainable development.

The proposal examined the overall global trends of tourism development and the current status of the local market. Inspired by the experience of other countries such as Singapore, several long-term measures were put forward with a view to making the industry more competitive. To name a few, there were suggestions on diversion of tourists, diversification of travel products, and development of a smart tourism city.

It is an inconvenient truth that the development of our tourism industry has been on the wrong track by putting quantity over quality. As the negative effects are now beginning to surface, there are pressing needs to bring targeted measures and improvements.

Singapore striking hard

Among our global competitors, Singapore bears the most similarities with Hong Kong, so their experience in tourism development is invaluable. According to the Singapore Tourism Board, their most important objective is to guarantee a unique "Singapore experience" to their visitors.

The key to their success is a combined effort in hardware expansion and software enhancement-a combination of new infrastructure and more products of higher creativity. As it requires more qualified employees in the relevant sector, different funds are also made available for staff training. Higher-value job opportunities are created as a result, effectively making her tourism industry more attractive to job seekers.

In contrast, large-scale tourism infrastructure upgrades have been locally rare except the expansion of Disneyland and Ocean Park. Along with this, low-end tourism malpractices like forced-shopping tours, which flout bans, has greatly hampered Hong Kong's progress .

See Luxembourg and Brunei

Luxembourg is also an example to learn from. Being one of the European financial centres, with six major Chinese banks all placing their European headquarters there, business tourism in the forms of convention, exhibition and business travelling plays a major role in the country's tourism. Her government focuses on establishing high-end tourism codes.

As an international financial centre and a world-class convention and exhibition centre, Hong Kong is very well suited for high-end tourism. Bearing in mind the sector's reception capacity, the focus should be placed on overnight visitors, who generally spend more.

Now take a look at Brunei. In order to reduce dependency on the energy sector, Brunei has been actively advancing its tourism in recent years. It has seen rapid growth under the "E-Government Strategic Plan", which brings together the hospitality and tourism industry.

Hong Kong should also evolve into a smart tourism city that blends the mobile business service platforms of travel and retail services. By integrating and analysing travellers' data, tailor-made information and services could be provided, helping visitors save time and resources.

These successful experiences are valuable insight in shaping the future of the local tourism. The authorities and the industry should cooperate to transform and upgrade our tourism, to foster a taste of unique "Hong Kong experience".■Jeffrey Tse [ywc_jeffrey@hotmail.com]


1. 會展旅遊

2. 總部

3. 接待能力

4. 藍圖

5. 強迫購物團


1. MICE tourism (meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions)

2. headquarters

3. reception capacity

4. blueprint

5. forced-shopping tours

