占基利出生於加拿大,少年時已有喜劇演出經驗,可惜小時候當會計師(accountant) 的父親被裁員而失業(got fired and thus unemployed),所以他15歲便要幫補家計,輟學當工友(quitted school and worked as a technician),且從沒有高中畢業(and had never graduated from high school)。縱使占基利出身平凡(Even though Jim Carrey had a humble beginning) ,但他沒有放棄影戲夢(he did not give up his dream as an actor)。
實感融喜劇 詼諧添內涵
在加拿大和美國演出多年後,他終於在1981年加入美國電視台成為喜劇演員。他將生活的真實感融入喜劇表演中(he can put authentic elements in our daily lives into his comic performance),令幽默詼諧(comedy)之中充滿了一種諷刺嘲笑(sacastic) 的內涵。後來他憑着《生動的顏色》(In Living Color)這個電視節目取得成功 (obtained his first success),成為全美國人皆知的諧星(became a widely-known comedian in the U.S.)。
1994年的《神探飛機頭》(Ace Ventura)令他聲名大噪。之後,他主演的《變相怪傑》(The Mask)更以大膽的創意(bold creativity)和誇張的演技(exaggerating acting skills)創下高票房紀錄(become a blockbuster),使他成為世界知名的荷里活超級巨星(turned him into world-famous Hollywood Superstar)。
自1995年起,占基利參演了《蝙蝠俠3》(Batman 3)、《神探飛機頭2》(Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls)、《衰鬼線人》(The Cable Guy)等作品,均先後獲得大成功(great success/triumphant results),其片酬更達2,000萬美元。
棄父親舊路 拒過分保守
2014年,占基利在美國的Maharishi University of Management演講,談到其父親本可成為一個出色的諧星,但他不相信那是可能的,所以作了一個保守的選擇,得了一份安穩的工作,成為了會計師。當占基利12歲時,父親卻失去了那份安穩的會計師工作,而整個家庭就要盡一切努力去求生(My father could have been a great comedian, but he didn't believe that was possible for him, and so he made a conservative choice. Instead, he got a safe job as an accountant and when I was 12 years old, he was let go from that safe job and our family had to do our best to survive)。這段經歷令占基利知道過分保守的壞處。■岑皓軒
「騎呢領隊」。畢業於英國Imperial College London,著有親子育兒書《辣媽潮爸哈哈B》及與馬漪楠合著暢銷書《Slang:屎爛英語1&2》等。