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【News Buddy】峰會戲劇性落幕 特朗普提早返美

■特朗普與金正恩未能達成共識。 資料圖片■特朗普與金正恩未能達成共識。 資料圖片


原本已經不被寄予太大期望的第二次美朝峰會(U.S.-North Korea summit),以最戲劇性的方式,在未有達成任何協議下草草落幕。美國總統特朗普(Donald Trump)與朝鮮領導人金正恩(Kim Jong-un)單對單會談並舉行美朝擴大會議後,原本良好的會面氣氛突然急轉直下,雙方未有按照原定計劃共晉午餐,特金兩人更先後離開會場,最終由白宮(White House)證實會談提前兩小時結束,美朝未能達成共識(consensus)。特朗普其後於記者會上,將會談破裂歸咎於朝方要求撤銷所有制裁(sanction),但美方無法接受,他強調會議並非不歡而散,並重申與金正恩關係仍然很好,只是「有些時候必須離開」(Sometimes you have to walk)。

直至擴大會議前,特朗普與金正恩之間的關係仍然很融洽(harmonious),兩人按照計劃,在河內(Hanoi)索菲特大都會酒店(Sofitel Legend Metropole Hotel)舉行單對單會談,會前兩人延續前一晚晚宴時的正面氣氛,互相寒暄並接受記者提問,雙方之後更在酒店泳池旁邊的小花園散步,其間透過傳譯員不斷有講有笑,然後才進入室內會談。

不過這時會談過程開始脫離原定計劃,兩人原定會談45分鐘,但結果早了15分鐘便結束,雙方隨行官員於是加入舉行擴大會議。擴大會議上,美朝雙方原定在領導人外各派3名高級官員出席,但朝鮮勞動黨(Workers' Party)中央副委員長李洙墉(Ri Su-yong)突然缺席,出現罕見的比例失衡場面。會議開始前,特金兩人仍然如常地接受記者提問,對會談結果仍然樂觀,不過當記者離場後,會議室內進展卻開始出現變化。

到了中午,雙方原定移師宴會廳舉行午宴,但先到現場等候的記者遲遲未見美朝代表現身,開始議論紛紛,部分記者更開始猜測談判(negotiation)失敗。經過大半個小時等候後,白宮發言人桑德斯(Sarah Sanders)終於證實,由於美朝雙方未能達成共識,峰會決定提前兩小時結束,亦不會舉行午宴。到下午1時半左右,特金兩人更先後離開會場。

下午2時,特朗普在下榻的JW萬豪酒店(JW Marriott Hotel)舉行記者會,比原定早兩小時。特朗普強調,這次美朝雙方確實準備好了無核化(denuclearization)協議的文件,但他認為現在不是簽字的合適時機,因而決定不簽署並離開會場。他指出談判破裂的主因,是朝方要求華府全面撤銷經濟制裁,卻未有同意徹底無核化,但美國絕不輕易放寬對朝制裁。

特朗普表示,金正恩曾經提出廢棄(dismantle)寧邊(Yongbyon)核(nuclear)設施,但他認為單是這項條件並不足夠,更當場指出朝鮮還有一些不為人知的鈾濃縮設施(uranium-enrichment facility)。

特朗普形容,朝鮮似乎對美方知道這一點感到吃驚。他強調支持撤銷制裁,前提是朝鮮需做得更多,又指出兩人曾考慮其他選項,但最後決定維持現狀(status quo),「我今日也可以簽署協議,然後別人就會說:『啊,這協議真糟糕。』」


記者會結束後,特朗普立即啟程回國,陪同他到越南(Vietnam)的國務卿(Secretary of State)蓬佩奧(Mike Pompeo)則轉到菲律賓(Philippines)訪問,後者在飛機上表示,美朝仍然有機會舉行更多會議,但現階段未有即時計劃,並認為雙方經過今次峰會後均需要時間重整陣腳。

Trump returned to U.S. after earlier-than-scheduled ending of U.S.-North Korea Hanoi Summit

【譯文】The second U.S.-North Korea summit, which had not been placed with high expectations, ended in a dramatic way without agreement. After the brief one-on-one conversation between the U.S President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and the subsequent expanded bilateral meeting, the atmosphere changed suddenly such that both leaders had not attended a working lunch as planned and left. The White House finally confirmed that the conference ended two hours earlier and both sides failed to reach a consensus. Trump said during a press conference that the summit failed because North Korea demanded an end to all sanctions, which was not acceptable to the U.S. He insisted that progress had been made and he and Kim remained on good terms but it was just that "sometimes you have to walk".

Trump and Kim had a harmonious relationship before the expanded meeting. The two leaders started their brief one-on-one chat at the Sofitel Legend Metropole Hotel in Hanoi as planned, during which the positive atmosphere of the dinner in the previous night continued and they greeted each other and actively responded to reporters' questions. Before the meeting started, they even engaged in what appeared to be a lively discussion while walking around the small garden alongside the hotel's swimming pool with their translators accompanying them.

However, the discussion, which was planned for 45 minutes originally, did not go on as scheduled and it ended 15 minutes earlier. The accompanying officials then joined the expanded meeting, in which three senior officials from each side were invited to the dialogues, but the balanced proportion of personnel was interrupted by the abrupt absence of the vice chairman of the central committee of Workers' Party of Korea Ri Su-yong. Before the meeting, both leaders expressed an optimistic attitude about a good outcome and answered questions from journalists as usual, but the atmosphere inside the conference room had obviously changed when the reporters left.

Trump and Kim were supposed to move to the hotel's dining hall at noon to have a working lunch, but the reporters began to suspect that the negotiations failed when not seeing the presence of both leaders. After waiting for roughly half an hour, the White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders eventually confirmed that both sides failed to reach a deal such that the meeting was cut short abruptly by almost two hours and the working lunch was consequently cancelled. Trump and Kim then left the meeting venue at around 1:30pm.

A scheduled news conference by Trump was therefore brought forward by two hours to 2:00pm at the JW Marriott Hotel. He emphasized that both countries had indeed prepared agreements for denuclearization but it was not a right time for signing so he decided to leave. Trump said the failure of the summit was attributable to the fact that North Korea demanded a lifting of economic sanctions, which was something that the U.S. was not prepared to offer, whereas Kim was not staying firm in his commitment to a complete denuclearization.

Trump said Kim had proposed dismantling the Yongbyon nuclear research facilities, but he thought that was not enough and pointed out that there should be some other unknown uranium-enrichment facilities within North Korea, and the North Korean delegation seemed to be surprised by what the U.S. knew. Trump said he supported an easing of sanctions, provided that North Korea needed to do more, and both sides finally decided to maintain the status quo despite having considered other options. "I could have signed an agreement today and then you people would have said, 'oh, what a terrible deal,'" Trump told reporters.

Yet, Trump stressed that his relationship with Kim remained strong and said the meetings were constructive and Kim was "quite a character". "We are positioned to do something very special," he described. Despite being optimistic, Trump admitted that he and Kim did not commit to holding the third submit.

Trump returned to the U.S. after the press conference. The Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told reporters on a flight from Vietnam to the Philippines that it was possible for the U.S. and North Korea to hold further meetings, but there was no immediate plan to do so because both countries would need to regroup before the next round of negotiations.■龐嘉儀


1. 首次美朝峰會於何時何地舉行?

2. 首次美朝峰會簽署了什麼聲明?

3. 這是韓戰(Korean War)達成停戰協議多少年後兩國首腦首次會晤?

4. 截至2017年,朝鮮共進行了多少次核試驗(nuclear test)?



2. 美朝峰會聯合聲明

3. 65年

4. 6次

