你今天有失望過嗎?都市人每天總是營營役役,期望管理(expectation management) 似乎是不可或缺的一門生活哲學。失望的原因有許多,而往往是因為期望落差(expectation discrepancy) 的出現。
期望落差的形成不外乎兩種原因:自視過高創造了不切實際的期望,或缺乏經驗而低估現實情況。一個有趣的成語Pie in the sky,意指希望渺茫憑空想像難以實現的事,確實有天馬行空的感覺。
「Kenny imagines he can complete the group project all by himself in one day, but that is just a pie in the sky.(Kenny認為他可以個人完成整個團隊的工作,確實是天方夜譚。)」
「Many children are struggling and feel guilty because they fail to measure up to / live up to their parents' expectations and hopes.(對於未能達到父母期望的表現,許多孩子也感到無助及內疚。)」
恰巧有許多與失望有關的字也是以英文字母 「D」為首。最熟悉的當然是失望的disappointed(adj.)及令人失望的disappointing(adj.)。「Despite the multi-million dollar promotion campaign, it was a disappointing turnout with fewer than 150 people at the 2,500-seat venue.(雖然這個活動的宣傳計劃花費了百萬元,可惜參與人數強差人意。在一個能容納2,500個座位的場地,僅少於150人出席。)」
絕望 despair(n.) 一字也是常用的。「The missing grandfather who suffers from dementia didn't turn up for a week, and then two weeks and then three weeks. The entire family was fairly in despair. (患有腦退化症的祖父已失蹤多時,過了一星期,兩星期,然後三星期。一家人也難免陷入絕望的情況。)」
長期失望亦難免令人感到鬱悶沮喪 despondent(adj.)。「Ross said he had become somewhat depressed and despondent about his lack of progress in finding a decent apartment.(對於尋找新居一事仍是一籌莫展的Ross,承認逐漸變得抑鬱沮喪。)」
Dismay(n.)亦解作一種沮喪灰心失望的情緒狀態。「The retirement news of the best-selling novelist has filled many of his readers with dismay.(這位暢銷小說家退休的消息令許多忠實讀者感到傷心失望。)」
「The current continuing economic recession has left people dejected, worried and frustrated.」Dejected(adj.)在這堣]是一個形容詞,用來描述在持續經濟衰退下,人們感到失意失望,擔憂及氣餒。
當生活充斥蚨媞媬i人的灰心喪志,不妨用已故英國理論物理學家史提芬霍金(Stephen Hawking)的說話為自己打打氣。「When one's expectations are reduced to zero, one really appreciates everything one does have.」當一個人對一件事有荂u零」期望,這個人便能真切感受和感激一切所擁有的。這個時候,沒有期望,不單止不會失望,反而會懂得珍惜感恩。的確,幸福不是必然的。
縱使失望是日常生活中無可避免的一環,但這樣也不代表我們需要長期處於悲觀的心態。只要懂得管理期望,同時常存希望,Always hope but never expect. Stay resilient and hopeful. 我們便有足夠的復原力,真正能夠以平常心equanimity沉蚗鳥埻措鴷肮’U種高低起跌。
■翁菁慧博士 香港琤秅j學英文系講師