現在流行玩航拍機,近來經常見人玩航拍,航拍機有如在天空飛的小鳥,在高處俯視,可以拍到頂視圖(aerial view),亦即是鳥瞰圖,英文是a bird's eye view。
看字面都應該知道a bird's eye view即是天上小鳥看到的景象,通常是指在高處向下望,見到的景象很寬闊。故此山頂、鐘樓等很多時會成為城市觀光景點,可以供遊客俯瞰全市。
If you want to enjoy a bird's eye view of Hong Kong, you can go up to the Peak.
From the top of the tower, we can see a bird's eye view of the beautiful countryside.
引申一下,如果說某人對於某些事情或狀況看到a bird's eye view,意思就是他概觀全局,對事件有全面看法,知道大體情況。
As a reporter for over two decades, he has a bird's eye view of the social changes in the city.
不過,一如鳥瞰圖,看到大範圍,卻看不到細節,a bird's eye view亦表示對事情的了解只是梗概,比較籠統,需要更多的具體詳情。
The article gives a bird's eye view of the different vaccines, but we require some more details.
From a bird's eye view, some online communication platforms are not very safe. So we have to find out more and choose carefully.
除了從上往下望,也可以從下向上看,與俯視圖或鳥瞰圖相反的是仰視圖或蟲瞻圖,英文是a worm's eye view,猶如地上一條蟲,從地面或低處仰望事物。
This photo, taken from a worm's eye view, shows an extraordinary view of buildings in the estate.
再引申一下,如果對某些事件或情況的觀點是a worm's eye view,即泛指來自低層的意見,是架構中的基層看法,對事情有一定的了解,但有人微言輕的意思。在某些場合可以視作謙虛用語。
As a long time employee, she can give a worm's eye view of the problems existing in the company.
I am afraid that I can offer just a worm's eye view of the situation based on my experience.
蟲瞻圖從地面某處向上望,觀點不夠全面,看到的有限,所以a worm's eye view 有時亦會指對某些事情的認知貧乏,缺乏對全局的了解。
Some politicians have only a worm's eye view of their work and don't actually understand the society.
一件事可以從不同角度去看,可俯瞰,亦可仰視,有a bird's eye view,亦有a worm's eye view,重要的是要有多角度,即是經常說的 different points of view,循多個角度了解事件因由始末,綜觀全局,明白細節,兼顧不同觀點。
● Lina CHU
[ linachu88@gmail.com ]