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2009年3月3日 星期二
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HIV mutates to avoid immune system

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2009-03-03]     我要評論

 A worldwide team of scientists said the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) was swiftly evolving to avoid the body's immune defences, a phenomenon that adds to the challenge of crafting an AIDS vaccine.

 "Even in the short time that HIV has been in the human population, it is doing an effective job of evading our best efforts at natural immune control of the virus. This is high-speed evolution that we're seeing in the space of just a couple of decades. " said Oxford University researcher Philip Goulder.

 Goulder's team analysed the genetic codes and viral strain of 2,800 infected people in North America, the Caribbean, Europe, sub-Saharan Africa, Australia and Japan. Their big focus was on so-called human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genes.

 These control specialised proteins whose job is to act as a signaller against intruders. The proteins present little pieces of HIV to the body's heavy armour, T cells, which then seek out the virus and kill it.

 Since HIV was identified as the cause of AIDS, more than a quarter of a century ago, doctors have learnt that even though no-one appears to be naturally immune to the virus, people progress to the full-blown disease at different rates.

 Without antiretroviral drugs, some individuals may develop AIDS as little as a year after infection, while others take as long as two decades. The span depends largely on inherited luck, for there are variants of HLA genes that are far better at combatting HIV than others. A tiny difference in DNA can make a huge difference in holding back the virus.

 Goulder's team came across some bad news. They found that the virus is able to mutate when facing the more successful variants of these genes.

 This "escape mutation" is then transmitted on to the viral progeny and then handed on to the human population when another person becomes infected.  ■AFP

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