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2010年3月18日 星期四
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時人時事:商販掛住做生意 懶理鏹彈魔

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-03-18]     我要評論






Busy Doing Business, No Time to Fight Crime

 Both are internationally renowned tourist attractions; however, retailers' attitudes towards civic duties are remarkably different. When an acid bomb was thrown onto the Temple Street in Yau Ma Tei, all the retailers working there left their business behind and seized the "key minute" trying to catch the offender. They separately guarded every exit of the suspicious buildings and helped the police to search for the attacker. It was quite a different picture when a similar incident occurred on 7 March in Ap Liu Street. Retailers there were totally indifferent and they carried on with their business with customers as usual as the incident occurred.

 It was during peak hours of business in a holiday evening. The stalls in Ap Liu Street were crowded with visitors shopping around in spite of the cold weather and the rain. An acid bomb dropped by a maniac hit the canopy of a stall, creating a loud noise and white fumes. Surprisingly, most of the retailers did not seem alarmed when the attack occurred. According to sources at the scene, none of the retailers were aware of the need to immediately guard the exits of the suspicious buildings and to intercept the offender. Even passers-by who suffered burns due to the acid were on their own. They simply washed their wounds with water and then walked away as if nothing had ever happened.

 Ms Lau, who was selling mobile phone accessories in less than 10 metres from the scene, said she was busy doing business at the time and did not know about the acid attack until a police car and an ambulance arrived.

 This was in stark contrast to what happened when an acid bomb attack took place in Temple Street some time ago. Then, most of the retailers put aside their work and in collaboration raced to the exits of the buildings to prevent the suspect from escaping in the "key minute". They stood guard in the building until the police arrived and took over. Eventually, the police arrested a man in the building. Although it was later proven that he had nothing to do with the attack, it was believed that the retailers' action had served as a deterrent.  ■Translation by開明

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