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2010年3月18日 星期四
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http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-03-18]     我要評論



The Legend of the Comets

 The Comet Sisters lived in the cold, outer regions of space and each one had a chosen time to make her journey towards the Earth and the Sun. The villagers of the Earth looked forward to this because the Comet Sister would always put on her finest appearance for them. Her face would glow and her hair would grow in long streaming strands behind her. Now it came to pass that the newer generations did not have the same love for the Comet Sisters. When disasters came, they put the blame on the Comet Sisters.

 The Comet Sisters were saddened and decided to never again come to the Earth. If the villagers wanted a relationship with them, they must search for them in space. And only then, would they renew their friendship. And only then, would the villagers find the secret stories about the beginning of time.  ■甄枝強 資深天文愛好者

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