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2010年10月15日 星期五
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醫保供款應免稅 Medical insurance premiums should be tax-free

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2010-10-15]     我要評論

 ■市民參加政府推出的自願醫保計劃,可節省輪候公營醫療機構的時間,同時當局亦可減少公共醫療的支出。 資料圖片

社評雙語道 行政會議通過全民自願醫療保險建議。我們認為,計劃成功的關鍵在於能否吸引中產階層積極參與。政府應考慮給予醫保供款稅務寬免,增加中產階層參與計劃的誘因,讓更多中產人士可得到適切的醫療服務,同時產生分流病人的效果,減輕公營醫療和公共財政的壓力。



 The Executive Council has approved the whole population voluntary medical insurance scheme proposed by the government. We believe the key to the success of the scheme lies in its ability to attract the middle class to actively participate. The government should consider offering tax exemption on the insurance premium as an incentive so that more in the middle class will join the scheme to get timely and appropriate medical care while at the same time diversion of patients can be achieved to alleviate the pressure on public medical services and public finance.

 The public medical system in Hong Kong is overburdened and with an aging population there is the risk that the existing services may not be able to sustain. The voluntary medical scheme is targeted especially at the middle class and it is hoped that under the scheme the middle class people will be diverted to the private sector and seek medical treatments in privately-run facilities. According to the proposed voluntary medical insurance scheme, the monthly premiums to be paid by the insured will be merely between HK$120 and HK$450. In addition, high risk people including senior citizens at the age of 65 or above, chronic disease patients and mentally-ill patients can also enter a policy and receive subsidy from the government. So, to a certain extent, the scheme is quite attractive to the middle class. By joining the voluntary medical insurance scheme, the insured no longer need to queue and wait for a long time to get treatments in public health facilities. As the government is going to act as the ultimate underwriter, the indemnity will be further secured.

 The main target of the voluntary medical insurance scheme is the middle class. It is believed that if the government can offer tax deduction as an incentive for this health scheme, the middle class will have a greater interest in joining. Some have the opinion that as the government has already provided subsidies to participants in the scheme, further tax benefits for the middle class will mean double subsidies and this renders a loss of revenue of the Treasury. However, the middle class, being the prime source of tax revenue in Hong Kong, is the group that has always contributed the largest share of tax payment while receiving the least help from the government. Offering tax benefits to attract them to join the scheme is not just a gesture of appreciation but an application of the principle of fairness. Tax incentives can help to achieve diversion of patients. Besides giving help to the middle class, they can boost the success rate of the scheme and reduce public healthcare expenditure. The gains are manifold. Therefore, the authorities should consider the issue from a wider perspective and encourage the middle class people to join the voluntary medical scheme by offering tax benefits.

 ■translation by開明 chi.ming818@gmail.com

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