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2011年1月21日 星期五
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社評雙語道:司法覆核非上策 處理廢物謀長遠

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2011-01-21]     我要評論

 ■政府放棄擴建將軍澳堆填區有一定合理性,因現時大部分垃圾集中於將軍澳堆填區處理,若再擴建將令失衡問題更嚴重。 資料圖片

Judicial review not the best move, long term strategy needed to tackle waste management




Nearly three months after the Legislative Council repealed the Tseung Kwan O landfill extension order, the government decided not to seek judicial review. The decision was based on various reasons; it was first for the sake of maintaining a good relationship between the executive and the legislature, and second on the grounds that the dispute did not involve fundamental constitutional differences, and third due to the fact that the government had decided not to appropriate the 5 hectares of land in the Clearwater Bay Country Park for use as landfill extension. Indeed, judicial review is not a panacea. If the executive and the legislature are to engage in litigation, not only will the relationship between the two be impaired, but also negative effects will be brought to society. Therefore, the case must be handled with absolute care. Judicial review can be dropped but the waste problem cannot be left unresolved.

The government's decision to drop the Tseung Kwan O landfill extension plan is quite justifiable. Currently, refuse is mostly dumped and processed in Tseung Kwan O, so the residents in the region have been continually annoyed by the odour nuisance caused by the landfill. The daily waste intake of the Tseung Kwan O landfill far exceeds those of the two other landfills; therefore the expansion of the Tseung Kwan O landfill will simply worsen the problem of unbalanced waste management. To balance the interests among different districts and to align the interests of local communities with that of the territory at large, to quit the Tseung Kwan O extension plan and to expand the other two landfills in the New Territories is a reasonable choice. The government should clearly communicate this rationale to the public.

The government has indicated that it will seek long – term and comprehensive solutions to deal with the waste management problem. It is going to adopt such measures as recycling, waste reduction and the introduction of modern refuse treatment facilities. In addition, it will study the possibility of an urban solid waste levy and bring forward the second phase of the plastic bag levy. Lagging behind some other advanced cities in terms of waste management, Hong Kong has to consider a long-term and comprehensive strategy for the problem. It is necessary for Hong Kong to carry out different methods including the construction of modern incinerators, the encouragement of waste separation and recycling, and also the introduction of refuse levy. The government should act as soon as possible in order to catch up with the other advanced cities in managing waste.

■Translation by 開明


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