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2011年1月14日 星期五
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社評雙語道:通脹侵蝕民生 基層最需支援

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2011-01-14]     我要評論




Inflation hurts livelihood and the grassroots need support most

Although the Hong Kong economy recovered last year, the workforce from the grassroots did not benefit very much from the fruit of recovery. Some grassroots workers did not even get a pay rise last year; and for those who got a pay rise, the percentage of increase was lower than the rate of inflation. Obviously, inflation has been nibbling away the income of employees. Since the increase in wages could not catch up with the rate of inflation, the real income earned by employees was practically reduced, tantamount to a de facto pay cut. This has further aggravated the working poor problem. In light of prevalent price rises and increasing pressure of inflation in the year ahead, the government, having maintained a large budget surplus and financial reserves, should consider, on top of introducing alleviation measures, establishing long-term mechanisms like income support to help the grassroots make ends meet. The working poor problem stems from the fact that the Hong Kong industrial structure puts too much emphasis on financial and property sectors while other industries suffer from severe declines. The government should therefore put in strong efforts to foster new industries of high added values and to lessen polarization between the rich and the poor.

Entering 2011, Hong Kong has seen price rises from various sectors. The China Light & Power and the Hongkong Electric have started to charge higher fees. The Tai Lam Tunnel and the Tate's Cairn Tunnel have used new tolls. Lately, public transport companies have also applied for fare increases one after another. The Kowloon Motor Bus and the Long Win services earlier asked for a fare increase of 8.6% and 7.4% respectively. At the same time, Urban, New Territories and Lantau taxis applied for a HK$2 increase for the first two kilometers. Besides, the tram service, which has not raised its fare for the past 12 years, has also submitted an application for a fare increase. Together with the frequent price rises in food and raw materials in recent years, the current inflationary trend has an impact on all aspects of everyday life, including clothing, dining, accommodation and transportation. The government, having turned its deficit around and recorded a HK$17.2 billion budget surplus in the first eight months of this fiscal year, and having financial reserves standing at a high level of HK$537.5 billion, definitely can and must lend a helping hand to the grassroots. Furthermore, the authorities should optimize the industrial structure of Hong Kong, nurture more growth areas of the economy and create more jobs for the people. This is the real cure for the root of the working poor problem. ■Translation by 開明


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