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2011年1月28日 星期五
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社評雙語道:申亞雖未過關 體育仍需發展

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2011-01-28]     我要評論





Sports development has to continue despite failed Asian Games bid

The Finance Committee of the Legislative Council vetoed, by an overwhelming majority, the request made by the government for appropriation of approximately HK$6 billion to host the Asian Games. This marks an end to the bid for staging the games in Hong Kong. In fact, most of the councilors voted against the appropriation mainly because the general public was skeptical of hosting the Asian Games in Hong Kong. Some political parties had expressed their endorsement towards the significance of hosting the Games; however, as the mainstream public opinion did not support the move, these parties had no choice but to cast a no vote under the of pressure of the forthcoming elections.

Although the appropriation was voted down, both the Chief Executive Donald Tsang and the Secretary for Home Affairs Tsang Tak-sing undertook that the government would not cut the expenditure allocated to sports, reaffirming the government's resolution to promote sports in Hong Kong. In recent years, the total investment made by the government in public sporting facilities has exceeded HK$10 billion, which is not a small amount. In spite of this, the sports culture in Hong Kong has yet to be enhanced and citizens are not enthusiastic about hosting a major sports event here. This is one of the reasons why the government's attempt to stage the Asian Games failed. The authorities should draft a long-term plan for sports development. On the one hand, the construction of stadiums and other sporting facilities has to be sped up in order to perfect the training of athletes. On the other hand, the current mistake of neglecting physical education in primary and secondary schools should be corrected so as to promote a culture of sports and exercise in society.

With Hong Kong's economic condition, level of urbanization and experience in organizing major large scale events, Hong Kong has no doubt the ability to host the Asian Games. However, the discussion on whether to stage the games had been politicized and disrupted from the very beginning. Some political parties had even mixed up the bid to host the Games with other issues of public expenditure such as poverty alleviation and education, and heavily criticized the government for forging ahead a grandiose and overambitious plan. The bid was considered a "vanity project" and the discussion was politicized. Such kind of act can easily turn serious policy discussion into polarized political smearing, which is not going to do any good to the rational discussion of social issues. In the long run, the competitiveness of Hong Kong will be undermined. ■Translation by 開明 chi.ming818@gmail.com

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