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2011年2月23日 星期三
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互動英語教室:Choosing Your Own Accessories (2)

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2011-02-23]     我要評論


 Lily intends to create an image of a fashionable "working women"(事業女性) for Barbara, so that she can illustrate(說明) her consummate(使完美) use of different accessories in her new album. The producer shares the same thoughts with Lily and suggests her to produce a video in which Barbara and Coney show the audience how to wear the hottest new trend in scarves.

Lily: Hey Coney, our producer suggests making a short video demonstrating how to wear a scarf.

 To Barbara, scarves conjure up (使人想起) an old-fashioned (老土) and uptight (煩躁的) image. She is rather reluctant (不情願的) to make a video about scarves. Coney tells her that scarves are not only used for warmth and comfort. A designer scarf can be tied in many different styles. Even a very plain coat or shirt can be made to look fantastic by using a brightly coloured and trendy scarf. Barbara changes her idea and gives this a try.

Coney: It's a good idea!

Barbara: Hi guys! Scarves are one of the favourite clothing items of women. You can be chic (別致的) with classic silk scarves. A chunky (厚厚的) wool scarf can add a touch of warmth. Coney is my stylist today. She is going to show you the easiest ways to wear a scarf.

Coney: We are going to start with "the loop" (圈).

 Coney demonstrates how to wear scarves in fashionable ways without an obvious tie to the past. Barbara now believes that a scarf can represent her unique personality and preferences (喜好).

Barbara: There are scarves made of different materials such as viscose (黏膠) and cotton.

 Lily has the impression that eyewear can change people's look and asks Coney for more advice.

Lily: Hey Coney, do you have any eyewear accessories?

Coney: Of course we do. Here are the fashion sunglasses.

 Coney is fashion conscious(意識到的) and into elegant things. She immediately shows Barbara the newest sunglasses.

Barbara: Can I choose the ones that suit my mood?

Coney: Sure!

Lily: Barbara, this pair can enhance your fashion image and protect your eyes from harmful UV rays at the same time.

Barbara: They look great!

Lily: Barbara, the name of your coming album should be......"Barbara's fashion world"!


1. Can you name some materials used to make scarves?

2. Why Barbara is reluctant to demonstrate how to wear a scarf in the beginning?

3. Besides making a person to be fashionable, what is the other advantage of wearing sunglasses mentioned by Lily?


1. Silk, wool, viscose and cotton.

2. Scarves conjure up an old-fashioned and uptight image.

3. Sunglasses can also protect ones' eyes from harmful UV rays.

Script: Louise Chow / Lily Poon

Article: Lily Poon

Director: CP Chan

Actresses: Barbara Li, Coney Ko, Lily Poon

 Please visit http://wwpenglishcolumn.blogspot.com to watch the video and learn some common phrases in English. ■By Lily Poon

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