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2011年3月11日 星期五
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縮班到此為止 汰劣終難避免(Class cutting should stop now as refinement is inevitable)

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2011-03-11]     我要評論

 ■教育局局長孫明揚認為,參與自願減班的學校數字顯示計劃得到學界認同。 資料圖片

社評雙語道 教育局推出的加強版「自願優化班別結構」上月底截止申請。據統計,全港有約170所中學表態決定參與縮班,當中包括至少60所傳統及上車英中。事實上,中學縮班是一把雙刃劍,一方面可以紓緩殺校壓力,減輕對教育界的衝擊;另一方面,一刀切縮班將導致部分口碑好的學校亦要遵循,不符合汰劣留優原則,減少學生入讀名校的機會。當局不可能無休止地通過縮班來維持生源不足學校的存在,減班計劃作為臨時措施應到此為止,長遠應研究通過優質名校兼併普通學校的方式,既解決生源不足的問題,又提升教育質素。



The deadline for joining the enhanced voluntary optimization of class structure scheme introduced by the Education Bureau passed at the end of last month. According to statistics, about 170 secondary schools in the territory have announced their decisions to join the class cutting scheme. Among them, there are at least 60 traditional or newly-switched secondary schools that now use English as a medium of instruction. Cutting classes in secondary schools is in fact a double-edged sword. On one hand, it has the merit of relieving the pressure of shutting down schools, minimizing the impacts on the education sector. On the other hand, it has the demerit of having to coerce reputable schools into complying with the policy of cutting classes. This is inconsistent with the principle of survival of the fittest, and will reduce the chances for students to study in elite schools. It is impossible for the authorities to employ this class cutting scheme as a means to indefinitely sustain the survival of schools that cannot enroll enough students. The scheme, which should only be a temporary measure, should come to a halt now. In the long run, the authorities should study the possibility of letting elite schools take over mediocre schools so that the problem of student shortage can be solved and the quality of education can also be improved.

Due to the falling birth rate in Hong Kong, the number of primary and secondary school age children has been dropping year by year. Some secondary schools, unable to recruit enough students, have to face the risks of class reduction or closure, which results also in redundant teachers. If schools are to close down and a large number of redundant teachers become unemployed, it will truly be a blow too heavy to the education sector. However, it will be more beneficial to the raising of the quality of education if a refinement process is carried out, keeping reputable schools but eliminating mediocre ones. The current practice of cutting classes in all schools regardless of their performance is in effect an act of egalitarianism and is detrimental to the improvement of school qualities. Therefore, class cutting as a means to avoid shutting down of schools can only be used as an interim solution in an unusual time. As the decrease in the number of students is a fact that cannot be reversed, the authorities should study other more effective measures such as merging schools that cannot take in enough students, as well as reducing the number of classes taken by a teacher through resource integration to allow teachers more time to prepare for classes and care for students. In addition, for some districts which display a severe shortage of students due to their demography, the authorities should decisively close schools there to make way for resource integration.

 ■translation by 開明 chi.ming818@gmail.com

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