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2011年5月6日 星期五
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社評雙語道:建設世界強國 需要一流大學

http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2011-05-06]     我要評論





First class universities are needed in building a strong nation

 Last month in the centenary celebration of the Beijing Qinghua University, President Hu Jintao pointed out that tertiary education of China had obviously fallen short of international advanced standards. He stressed that setting up a number of first class universities of international standards and building a group of high end universities would be an important strategy for China to develop itself into a strong country with talented human resources and also an innovative nation. In the world today, knowledge-based creativity forms the core of the competitiveness of a country. During the course of building first class universities, China should also create favourable conditions to retain and attract talented people of high calibre. University education in Hong Kong, which maintains a sophisticated system of governance, has gained international recognition. Universities in Hong Kong should make use of such advantage and actively participate in the reform of the tertiary education on the mainland. In doing so, they not only contribute to the development of talents both in Hong Kong and on the mainland, but also help in the enhancement of the overall strength of the country.

 In addition to building first class universities and nurturing first class talents, emphasis should also be placed on retaining first class talents. One of the key factors why the USA has been so successful in maintaining a competitive edge in the world is that they use every means to attract talents from all over the world to serve the country. Graduates from the Qinghua University are among the target talents most sought-after by the universities in the USA. As the economy of China has been greatly strengthened, the country should provide for those elite talents more favorable living conditions, better terms of employment as well as sound environments for academic and research activities in order to retain these talents of high calibre.

 Hong Kong has a number of universities ranking in the list of the 100 best universities in the world. These universities are recognized for their sophisticated system of governance, global perspective, internationalized academic staff and English medium of instruction. They should bring all these characteristics and experiences to the mainland and play a more important part in helping the country build international first class universities and nurture first class talents. While helping to enhance the overall academic standards and the international standing of the country, Hong Kong can also reap the benefit as it promotes the development of its education industry, and moves towards becoming an education hub in the world.

 ■Translation by 開明 chi.ming818@gmail.com

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