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2011年6月10日 星期五
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【打印】 【投稿】 【推薦】 【關閉】


http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2011-06-10]     我要評論

■台灣塑化劑風波擴大到麵包和烘焙業,港府應與台灣當局保持密切聯繫,了解更多有關塑化劑污染對香港可能造成的影響。 資料圖片




Plug the loopholes in the local food inspection system

 There were reports at the end of last month that a large variety of food products in Taiwan were contaminated by toxic plasticizer and the news has caused much panic in Hong Kong. The authorities in Hong Kong should now keep in close contact with local food importers to track down the sales records of doubtful products in the territory as soon as possible; and on the other hand, liaise closely with the Taiwanese authorities to find out more about the likely effects that the plasticizer contamination could bring to Hong Kong. At the same time, in view of the great varieties of toxic food additives, the authorities should review the existing food inspection system, set new standards and enlarge the scope of inspection so as to plug the loopholes in the food inspection system and ensure food safety in Hong Kong.

 The toxic plasticizer incident in Taiwan stemmed from the unlawful addition of plasticizer to a clouding agent used for food production. Clouding agent is a food additive approved under law but plasticizer is a carcinogen which is not allowed in food products. In fact, approved additives like clouding agent are widely used in modern food processing industry and they can be found almost in all food products. It can be said that the modern food industry could not have come into being if there were no food additives. It is actually the banned additives that have caused serious food poisoning problems. Today, the unlawful use of banned additives has already created a panic in society over food safety, and this affects also the use of approved additives.

 Some food processing businesses have unlawfully used banned additives in order to reduce cost, and made a fortune having no regard for social conscience. Because of these businesses, toxic food products continue to flood the market and pose big challenges to the existing food inspection system in Hong Kong. The Centre for Food Safety has admitted that the additive concerned in the current plasticizer incident in Taiwan is not an item of inspection under the regular food surveillance programme. This exposes the fact that loopholes exist in the current food inspection standards in Hong Kong. The authorities should review the system and take measures to plug the loopholes. ■Translation by 開明 chi.ming818@gmail.com

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