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2012年1月13日 星期五
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【打印】 【投稿】 【推薦】 【關閉】


http://paper.wenweipo.com   [2012-01-13]     我要評論

■穿3號球衣的姚韡因賄賂他人「打假波」被判入勞教中心。 資料圖片



Match fixing has adverse effects and must be severely punished

Member of the Hong Kong Football Youth Representative Team Iu Wai, who offered a bribe of several hundred thousand dollars to two teammates for fixing the friendly game between the Hong Kong Youth Team and the Russian Youth Team at the end of last year, was sentenced to custody in a detention centre. Match fixing not only contravenes sportsmanship which should stress fair and honest play, but also hampers the healthy development of sports. Even worse, it corrupts social morality and brings bad effects to society. Such wrong deed should be severely punished according to law to warn athletes and the public against doing the same. The incident also serves as a reminder that Hong Kong needs to strengthen the fight against football betting from outside the territory, and improve the professional ethics of its athletes. By enhancing its ability to resist corruption and upholding the sporting spirit of fairness and justice, the sports community of Hong Kong can then be able to promote the healthy development of sports in Hong Kong.

Besides the violation of sportsmanship and the loss of integrity and dignity as an athlete, the more serious harm of match fixing is the confusion of right and wrong and the incitement to pursue personal gains through giving up or even undermining the most basic social values. In the end, it will deeply hurt the world of sports. The sport of football has been very weak on the mainland for a long time. The deadly cause of the situation is exactly the prevalence of bribed referees and inextinguishable match fixing. Hong Kong prides itself on a culture which upholds the rule of law and stands out against corruption. It also places great emphasis on values of fairness, justice and openness. Wrongful deeds such as match fixing have to be cracked down immediately and must not be allowed to spread. The police needs to strengthen law enforcement and relentlessly combat illegal football betting activities from outside Hong Kong while the court should give severe punishment to illegal betting and match fixing as a deterrent. These efforts together will arouse greater public awareness and so prevent the spreading of illegal football betting and match fixing in Hong Kong. ■Translation by 東明 tungming23@gmail.com


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