■只要清楚了解考試要求,不論文憑試英文科的寫作考試需要多少字都應無難度。 資料圖片
1.Focus On The Two Tasks:與其只是注意字數,考生應留意到文憑試只需完成兩個tasks。試題上,DSE其實為同學提供了許多選擇,比高考更容易。
R-Role 你的角色(e.g. student, director etc.)
A-Audience 你的讀者(e.g. fellow students, teachers, publics)
T-Text type 文章種類(e.g. descriptive writing, stories, email, (in)formal letters etc.)
You have received an e-mail from your brother Jack who is studying in Australia, telling you that driven by interest, he has planned to change his major from medicine to English. Write a reply to him, telling him what you think about his decision. Support your opinions with details.
若果你沒有看清題目,而只是隨便寫,有可能將一篇informal writing以極formal的手法表達,例如:
Dear Jack,
I write in response to your message...
其實,只要下筆前想一想,就應知道你的角色是Jack的兄弟姊妹。你的讀者當然是Jack。文章種類則是一封電子郵件,一封informal e-mail。在這一封郵件中,你要表明你的立場(無論贊成或反對),加以解釋。這樣你就可以避免失分。
如果同學可以睇清楚題目,考生又能夠作出足夠的回應,根據考試局評分指引,卷二的內容分已可獲得level 4 的成績,考試有何難度? ■Dr. A. Chan
1.Tell us the R.A.T. of the following question.
There have been discussions in the public about the possibility of introducing Chinese History as a core subject in the HKDSE curriculum. Write a letter to the editor of the Hong Kong Post to express your views over the issue.
2.Tell us the R.A.T. of the following question.
You are a member of the school debating team. Your school is entering a debate contest and the motion is mandatory drug test should be introduced to local schools. Decide whether you are for or against the motion and write your debate speech. The members with the best speeches will be chosen to represent the school at the competition.
Answer 1
R = A reader
A = Editor of Hong Kong Post and the public
T = Formal letter expressing your opinions (argumentative essay)
Answer 2
R = A member of the debating team
A = Teachers and students in your school
T = Speech (argumentative essay with a conversational tone)