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2015年2月4日 星期三
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標準工時委員會昨日開會討論顧問公司報告,委員大致同意有需要以一刀切以外的方式規管工時。勞工及福利局局長張建宗重申,制定標準工時比最低工資更複雜, 需小心處理。事實上,標準工時涉及全港所有勞動人口及所有企業,而不同的行業和工種又有不同的工時要求,確實不宜一刀切規管。勞資雙方應互諒互讓,尋求既兼顧各方利益、又能保持香港整體競爭力的標準工時共識方案。 


Standard working hours expected

The Standard Working Hours Committee (SWHC) met yesterday to discuss reports from consulting firms. Members generally agreed that it is necessary that work hours be regulated in a manner other than applying an across-the-board standard. The Secretary for Labour and Welfare Matthew Cheung Kin-chung reiterated that formulating standard working hours is more complicated than setting the minimum wage and has to be dealt with very carefully. True, since the policy will affect the entire labour force and all enterprises, and different industries and occupations require different hours, the regulation should not be imposed across the board. Employees and employers should seek mutual understanding, and try to reach a consensus on a feasible framework which meets the interests of all parties and ensures the overall competitiveness of Hong Kong.

A civilized society must protect the rights of its working class. According to statistics, Hongkongers work on average for 2,287 hours per year; the number only seconds Korea. The long work hours not only damages employees' physical and mental health but also provokes more domestics conflicts, breeding social problems as well as harm to social harmony. A more serious problem remains that more than half of the workforce were not paid the overtime; a part of them did overtime involuntarily, toiling without receiving pay.

Learning Point


標準工時 standard working hours

最低工資 minimum wage

勞動人口 labour force

企業 enterprises

勞工階層 working class

超時工作 overtime

額外(超時)補薪 overtime



1. There may be a drop in the ________________ because of the aging problem.

2. When workers are asked to work extra hours, the company will pay their ____________.

3. The _________________ is about $32 per hour in Hong Kong.

4. ________________should not focus on just making money. They should also tend to the benefits of their employees.

5. The ___________ hopes that policies concerning ____________ can be carried out as soon as possible to protect the rights and health of workers.


1. labour force  2. overtime  3. minimum wage 4. Enterprises  5. working class/ standard working hours

■Translation and Learning Point by Tung-ming

[ tungming23@gmail.com ]

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