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2015年9月30日 星期三
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社評雙語道:提升迪園吸引力 促港旅遊業繁榮


■香港迪士尼正面對不少挑戰,有意見指應加快第二期園區的擴建吸客。圖為日本遊客在園內拍照。 資料圖片





Boosting appeal of Disneyland vitalizes HK tourism

Opened in September 2005, Hong Kong Disneyland had not performed as expected during its initial days due to the visitors' dislike for the conceited American management style. Its performance gradually improved and became one of the top attractions to tourists ever since the introduction of management staff with better knowledge of Hong Kong.

During the 2013/2014 fiscal year, the theme park's admission skyrocketed to HKD 7.5 million, three times the figure of 2009. Thanks to the Individual Visit Scheme, tourists from mainland China contributed 48% of the overall park admissions, while their additional spending reached HKD 13.2 billion, 0.62% of the local GDP and the highest in recent years.

However, combining the fact that the park is the world's smallest and that the existing attractions are losing their charm, it is following the local tourism to the verge of decline. On the contrary, the neighboring South Korea and Singapore have been putting great efforts in launching new tourism projects and are having a weaker currency, thus luring away a considerable number of potential visitors to HK.

An even greater challenge yet to come is the new Shanghai Disneyland set to open next year. Its size is two to three times that of HK's and it has more and newer attractions. Supplemented by its proximity to mainland Chinese tourists, it surely enjoys a substantial competitive edge. To make up for the park's small size and limited number of attractions, Hong Kong Disneyland should boost its appeal. This can be achieved by accelerating the expansion of attractions through the Phase Two project and presenting more large-scale special offers.

Learning Point

English Numerals

日常生活所接觸到的數目多以阿拉伯數目字顯示,要把複雜數目轉以英文表達時,往往令人費煞思量。例如文中提到132億港元,可能已經遠超過同學日常所接觸。其實一般阿拉伯數目都具千分撇,例如1,000、1,000,000等。英語在短級差系統(short scale)之中,每一千分撇就會以不同字表達,數位未達下個千分撇時,就以十位或百位表達,例如:

1,000 One thousand 一千

10,000 Ten thousand 一萬

100,000 One hundred thousand 10萬

1,000,000 One million 100萬

10,000,000 Ten million 1,000萬

100,000,000 One hundred million 一億

1,000,000,000 One billion 10億

1,000,000,000,000 One trillion 10,000億

■Jeffrey Tse  [ywc_jeffrey@hotmail.com]


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